Book of Leviticus
and·he·calls to Moseh
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to·him
from·tent·of assembly saying :
ꜝspeak to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·you·said to·them
adam as he·presents from·you⁺ present to·Yʜᴡʜ
from the·beast from the·plowcattle and·from the·sheep
you·present⁺ °your⁺·present :
if upward·offering his·present from the·plowcattle
membered complete he·presents·him
to opening·of tent·of assembly he·presents °him
to·his·favor to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·propped·up his·hand
upon the·head·of the·upward·offering
and·he·was·favored to·him to·atone upon·him :
and·he·slaughtered °the·son·of the·plowcattle to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·presented⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon the·priests⁺ °the·blood
and·they·aspersed⁺ °the·blood upon the·offering·place turninground
that opening·of tent·of assembly :
and·he·unmantled °the·upward·offering
and·he·chunked·up °her to·her·chunks⁺ :
and·they·gave⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon the·priest fire upon the·offering·place
and·they·lined·up⁺ trees⁺ upon the·fire :
and·they·lined·up⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon the·priests⁺
°the·head and·°the·suet
upon the·trees⁺ that upon the·fire
that upon the·offering·place :
and·his·impresence and·his·stoopinglegs² he·bathes in·the·waters⁺
and·he·incendiated the·priest °all ➝the·offering·place
upward·offering fire-offering·of breath·of peace to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·if from the·sheep his·present from the·lambs⁺ or from the·mightygoats⁺ to·upward·offering
membered complete he·presents·him :
and·he·slaughtered °him upon the·flank·of the·offering·place ➝north to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·aspersed⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon the·priests⁺ °his·blood upon the·offering·place turninground :
and·he·chunked·up °him to·his·chunks⁺
and·°his·head and·°his·suet
and·he·lined·up the·priest °them
upon the·trees⁺ that upon the·fire
that upon the·offering·place :
and·the·impresence and·the·stoopinglegs² he·bathes in·the·waters⁺
and·he·presented the·priest °all and·he·incendiated ➝the·offering·place
upward·offering he fire-offering·of breath·of peace to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·if from the·flyer upward·offering his·present to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·presented from the·pigeons⁺ or from the·sons⁺·of the·dove °his·present :
and·he·presented·him the·priest to the·offering·place
and·he·popped·off °his·head
and·he·incendiated ➝the·offering·place
and·he·was·wrung·out his·blood
upon the·wall·of the·offering·place :
and·he·removed °his·showiness in·her·floridity
and·he·dropped °her beside the·offering·place ➝frontward
to the·rising·place·of the·bounty :
and·he·creviced °him in·his·wings² he·does·not·separate
and·he·incendiated °him the·priest ➝the·offering·place
upon the·trees⁺ that upon the·fire
upward·offering he fire-offering·of breath·of peace to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·soul as she·presents present·of tribute to·Yʜᴡʜ
flour he·is his·present
and·he·poured upon·her oil
and·he·gave upon·her white·incense :
and·he·brought·her·in to the·sons⁺·of Aharon the·priests⁺
and·he·scooped from·there the·fullness·of his·scoop from·her·flour and·from·her·oil
upon all·of her·white·incense
and·he·incendiated the·priest °her·memorial ➝the·offering·place
fire-offering·of breath·of peace to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·the·remnant from the·tribute
to·Aharon and·to·his·sons⁺
sanctuary·of sanctuaries⁺ from·the·fire-offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·as you·present present·of tribute baked·of lampoven
flour·of pierced-challahs⁺·of matzahs⁺ mixed⁺ in·the·oil
and·wafers⁺·of matzahs⁺ anointed⁺ in·the·oil :
and·if tribute upon the·skillet your·present
flour mixed in·the·oil matzah she·is :
morselling °her morsels⁺
and·you·poured upon·her oil
tribute she :
and·if tribute·of stew your·present
flour in·the·oil she·is·done :
and·you·brought·in °the·tribute that he·is·done from·these to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·presented·her to the·priest
and·he·brought·to·approach·her to the·offering·place :
and·he·heightened the·priest from the·tribute °her·memorial
and·he·incendiated ➝the·offering·place
fire-offering·of breath·of peace to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·the·remnant from the·tribute
to·Aharon and·to·his·sons⁺
sanctuary·of sanctuaries⁺ from·the·fire-offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
all·of the·tribute that you·present⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
she·is·not·done sourdough
as all·of vivayeast and·all·of honey
you·do·not·incendiate⁺ from·him fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ :
present·of headmost you·present⁺ °them to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·to the·offering·place they·do·not·go·up⁺ to·breath·of peace :
and·all·of the·present·of your·tribute in·the·salt you·salt
and you·do·not·give·rest the·salt·of the·covenant·of your·Powers⁺
from·upon your·tribute
upon all·of your·present you·present salt :
and·if you·present tribute·of firstfruits⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
April roasted in·the·fire cracked-corn·of orchardgrain
you·present °the·tribute·of your·firstfruits⁺ :
and·you·gave upon·her oil
and·you·placed upon·her white·incense
tribute she :
and·he·incendiated the·priest °her·memorial from·her·cracked-corn and·from·her·oil
upon all·of her·white·incense
fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·if offering·of shaloms⁺ his·present
if from the·plowcattle he presenting
if membered if punctured
complete he·presents·him to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·propped·up his·hand upon the·head·of his·present
and·he·slaughtered·him opening·of tent·of assembly
and·they·aspersed⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon the·priests⁺ °the·blood upon the·offering·place turninground :
and·he·presented from·the·offering·of the·shaloms⁺
fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ
°the·fat that·covers °the·impresence
and·°all·of the·fat
that upon the·impresence :
and·°the·two²·of the·allkidneys⁺
and·°the·fat that upon·them
that upon the·follies⁺
and·°the·remainder upon the·weighty·organ
upon the·allkidneys⁺ he·removes·her :
and·they·incendiated⁺ °him the·sons⁺·of Aharon ➝the·offering·place
upon the·upward·offering
that upon the·trees⁺ that upon the·fire
fire-offering·of breath·of peace to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·if from the·sheep his·present to·offering·of shaloms⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
membered or punctured
complete he·presents·him :
if lamb he presenting °his·present
and·he·presented °him to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·propped·up °his·hand upon the·head·of his·present
and·he·slaughtered °him
to·face⁺·of tent·of assembly
and·they·aspersed⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon °his·blood upon the·offering·place turninground :
and·he·presented from·the·offering·of the·shaloms⁺ fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ
his·fat the·oathfat complete
to·near the·shell·up he·removes·her
and·°the·fat that·covers °the·impresence
and·°all·of the·fat
that upon the·impresence :
and·°the·two²·of the·allkidneys⁺
and·°the·fat that upon·them
that upon the·follies⁺
and·°the·remainder upon the·weighty·organ
upon the·allkidneys⁺ he·removes·her :
and·he·incendiated·him the·priest ➝the·offering·place
bread·of fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·if mightygoat his·present
and·he·presented·him to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·propped·up °his·hand upon his·head
and·he·slaughtered °him
to·face⁺·of tent·of assembly
and·they·aspersed⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon °his·blood upon the·offering·place turninground :
and·he·presented from·him his·present
fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ
°the·fat that·covers °the·impresence
and·°all·of the·fat
that upon the·impresence :
and·°the·two²·of the·allkidneys⁺
and·°the·fat that upon·them
that upon the·follies⁺
and·°the·remainder upon the·weighty·organ
upon the·allkidneys⁺ he·removes·her :
and·he·incendiated·them the·priest ➝the·offering·place
bread·of fire-offering to·breath·of peace
all·of fat to·Yʜᴡʜ :
prescription·of eternity to·your⁺·saecula⁺
in·all·of your⁺·seats⁺
all·of fat and·all·of blood you·do·not·eat⁺ :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr saying
soul as she·sins in·straying from·all·of the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
that they·are·not·done⁺
and·he·did from·one from·them :
if the·priest the·anointed he·sins to·the·transgression·of the·people
and·he·presented upon his·sin that he·sinned cow son·of plowcattle complete to·Yʜᴡʜ to·sin :
and·he·brought·in °the·cow to opening·of tent·of assembly to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·propped·up °his·hand upon the·head·of the·cow
and·he·slaughtered °the·cow to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·took the·priest the·anointed from·the·blood·of the·cow
and·he·brought·in °him to tent·of assembly :
and·he·dipped the·priest °his·finger in·the·blood
and·he·spattered from the·blood seven times⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
with the·face⁺·of the·screen·of the·sanctuary :
and·he·gave the·priest from the·blood upon the·horns⁺·of the·offering·place·of the·incense·of the·aromatics⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
that in·tent·of assembly
and·°all·of the·blood·of the·cow he·spills·out to the·foundation·of the·offering·place·of the·upward·offering
that opening·of tent·of assembly :
and·°all·of the·fat·of the·cow·of the·sin he·heightens from·him
°the·fat that·covers upon the·impresence
and·°all·of the·fat
that upon the·impresence :
and·°the·two²·of the·allkidneys⁺
and·°the·fat that upon·them
that upon the·follies⁺
and·°the·remainder upon the·weighty·organ
upon the·allkidneys⁺ he·removes·her :
as·how he·is·heightened
from·the·bull·of the·offering·of the·shaloms⁺
and·he·incendiated·them the·priest
upon the·offering·place·of the·upward·offering :
and·°the·bareskin·of the·cow and·°all·of his·flesh
upon his·head and·upon his·stoopinglegs²
and·his·impresence and·his·feces :
and·he·let·go °all·of the·cow to from·exterior to·the·camp to rising·place pure to the·spilling·out·of the·bounty
and·he·burned °him upon trees⁺ in·the·fire
upon the·spilling·out·of the·bounty he·is·burned :
and·if all·of the·assembly·of Princepowr they·stray⁺
and·he·was·hooded speech
from·the·eyes²·of the·congregation
and·they·did⁺ one from·all·of the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ that they·are·not·done⁺ and·they·transgressed⁺ :
and·she·was·known the·sin
that they·sinned⁺ upon·her
and·they·presented⁺ the·congregation cow son·of plowcattle to·sin
and·they·brought·in⁺ °him
to·face⁺·of tent·of assembly :
and·they·propped·up⁺ the·elders⁺·of the·assembly °their·hands² upon the·head·of the·cow to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·slaughtered °the·cow to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·brought·in the·priest the·anointed from·the·blood·of the·cow
to tent·of assembly :
and·he·dipped the·priest his·finger from the·blood
and·he·spattered seven times⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
with the·face⁺·of the·screen :
and·from the·blood he·gives upon the·horns⁺·of the·offering·place that to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
that in·tent·of assembly
and·°all·of the·blood he·spills·out to the·foundation·of the·offering·place·of the·upward·offering
that opening·of tent·of assembly :
and·°all·of his·fat he·heightens from·him
and·he·incendiated ➝the·offering·place :
and·he·did to·the·cow
as·how he·did to·the·cow·of the·sin
surely he·does to·him
and·he·atoned upon·them the·priest and·he·was·pardoned to·them :
and·he·let·go °the·cow to from·exterior to·the·camp
and·he·burned °him
as·how he·burned
°the·cow the·headmost
the·sin·of the·congregation he :
that wellborn he·sins
and·he·did one from·all·of the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺ that they·are·not·done⁺ in·straying and·he·transgressed :
or he·was·let·know to·him his·sin
that he·sinned in·her
and·he·brought·in °his·present hairgoat·of mightygoats⁺ membered complete :
and·he·propped·up his·hand upon the·head·of the·hairgoat
and·he·slaughtered °him
in·rising·place·of that he·slaughters °the·upward·offering to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
sin he :
and·he·took the·priest from·the·blood·of the·sin in·his·finger
and·he·gave upon the·horns⁺·of the·offering·place·of the·upward·offering
and·°his·blood he·spills·out
to the·foundation·of the·offering·place·of the·upward·offering :
and·°all·of his·fat he·incendiates ➝the·offering·place
as·the·fat·of the·offering·of the·shaloms⁺
and·he·atoned upon·him the·priest from·his·sin and·he·was·pardoned to·him :
and·if soul·of one she·sins in·straying from·the·people·of the·land
when·she·does one from·the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ that they·are·not·done⁺ and·he·transgressed :
or he·was·let·know to·him
his·sin that he·sinned
and·he·brought·in his·present hairgoat·of mightygoats⁺ complete punctured
upon his·sin that he·sinned :
and·he·propped·up °his·hand
upon the·head·of the·sin
and·he·slaughtered °the·sin
in·the·rising·place·of the·upward·offering :
and·he·took the·priest from·her·blood in·his·finger
and·he·gave upon the·horns⁺·of the·offering·place·of the·upward·offering
and·°all·of her·blood he·spills·out
to the·foundation·of the·offering·place :
and·°all·of her·fat he·removes as·how he·was·removed fat from·upon the·offering·of the·shaloms⁺
and·he·incendiated the·priest ➝the·offering·place
to·breath·of peace to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·atoned upon·him the·priest and·he·was·pardoned to·him :
and·if lamb he·brings·in his·present to·sin
punctured complete he·brings·her·in :
and·he·propped·up °his·hand
upon the·head·of the·sin
and·he·slaughtered °her to·sin
in·rising·place·of that he·slaughters °the·upward·offering :
and·he·took the·priest from·the·blood·of the·sin in·his·finger
and·he·gave upon the·horns⁺·of the·offering·place·of the·upward·offering
and·°all·of her·blood he·spills·out
to the·foundation·of the·offering·place :
and·°all·of her·fat he·removes as·how he·is·removed the·fat·of the·lamb from·the·offering·of the·shaloms⁺
and·he·incendiated the·priest °them ➝the·offering·place
upon the·fire-offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·atoned upon·him the·priest upon his·sin that he·sinned and·he·was·pardoned to·him :
and·soul as she·sins and·she·heard voice·of oath
and·he witness
or he·saw or he·knew
if he·does·not·tell·forth and·he·bore his·guilt :
or soul that she·touches in·all·of speech defiled
or in·wilted·body·of life defiled or in·wilted·body·of beast defiled
or in·wilted·body·of crawler defiled
and·he·was·hooded from·him
and·he defiled and·he·transgressed :
or as he·touches in·defilement·of adam
to·all·of his·defilement
that he·is·defiled in·her
and·he·was·hooded from·him
and·he he·knew and·he·transgressed :
or soul as she·vows·seven to·blurt in·lips² to·do·bad or to·do·good to·all that he·blurts the·adam in·seven and·he·was·hooded from·him
and·he he·knew and·he·transgressed to·one from·these :
and·he·was as he·transgresses to·one from·these
that he·sinned upon·her :
and·he·brought·in °his·transgression to·Yʜᴡʜ upon his·sin that he·sinned punctured from the·sheep lamb or hairgoat·of mightygoats⁺ to·sin
and·he·atoned upon·him the·priest from·his·sin :
and·if she·does·not·touch his·hand enough·of ovine
and·he·brought·in °his·transgression that he·sinned two²·of pigeons⁺ or two²·of sons⁺·of dove to·Yʜᴡʜ
one to·sin and·one to·upward·offering :
and·he·brought·in °them to the·priest
and·he·presented °that to·the·sin headmost
and·he·popped·off °his·head from·the·snip·of his·spine and he·does·not·separate :
and·he·spattered from·the·blood·of the·sin upon the·wall·of the·offering·place
and·the·survivor in·the·blood
he·is·wrung·out to the·foundation·of the·offering·place
sin he :
and·°the·second he·does upward·offering as·the·judgment
and·he·atoned upon·him the·priest from·his·sin that he·sinned and·he·was·pardoned to·him :
and·if she·does·not·catch his·hand to·two²·of pigeons⁺ or to·two²·of sons⁺·of dove
and·he·brought·in °his·present that he·sinned the·tenth·of the·bucket flour to·sin
he·does·not·place upon·her oil and he·does·not·give upon·her white·incense
as sin she :
and·he·brought·her·in to the·priest
and·he·scooped the·priest from·her the·fullness·of his·scoop °memorial·her and·he·incendiated ➝the·offering·place
upon the·fire-offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
sin she :
and·he·atoned upon·him the·priest upon his·sin that he·sinned from·one from·these and·he·was·pardoned to·him
and·she·was to·the·priest as·the·tribute :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
soul as she·disguises·herself disguisal
and·she·sinned in·straying
from·the·sanctuaries⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·brought·in °his·transgression to·Yʜᴡʜ powrram complete from the·sheep in·your·outlined·assessment silver·of shekels⁺ in·the·shekel·of the·sanctuary to·transgression :
and·°that he·sinned from the·sanctuary he·shaloms and·°his·fifth ꜝlet·him·add upon·him
and·he·gave °him to·the·priest
and·the·priest he·atones upon·him in·the·powrram·of the·transgression and·he·was·pardoned to·him :
and·if soul as she·sins
and·she·did one from·all·of the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
that they·are·not·done⁺
and he·did·not·know and·he·transgressed and·he·bore his·guilt :
and·he·brought·in powrram complete from the·sheep in·your·outlined·assessment to·transgression to the·priest
and·he·atoned upon·him the·priest upon his·straying that he·strayed and·he he·did·not·know and·he·was·pardoned to·him :
transgression he
transgressing he·transgressed to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
soul as she·sins
and·she·disguised·herself disguisal in·Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·denied in·his·comrade in·reckoning or in·placing·of hand or in·robbery
or he·intimidated °his·comrade :
or he·found lost·thing and·he·denied in·her and·he·vowed·seven upon falsehood
upon one from·all that he·does the·adam to·sin in·them :
and·he·was as he·sins and·he·transgressed
and·he·returned °the·robbery that he·robbed or °the·intimidation that he·intimidated
or °the·reckoning
that he·was·made·to·reckon with·him
or °the·lost·thing that he·found :
or from·all that he·vows·seven upon·him to·the·falsehood
and·he·shalomed °him in·his·head
and·his·fifth ꜝlet·him·add upon·him
to·that he to·him he·gives·him in·the·day·of his·transgression :
and·°his·transgression he·brings·in to·Yʜᴡʜ
powrram complete from the·sheep in·your·outlined·assessment to·transgression to the·priest :
and·he·atoned upon·him the·priest to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ and·he·was·pardoned to·him
upon one from·all that he·does to·transgression in·her :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝcommand °Aharon and·°his·sons⁺ saying
this the·torah·of the·upward·offering
she the·upward·offering upon smolderhearth upon the·offering·place all·of the·night unto the·dayplow
and·the·fire·of the·offering·place she·smolders in·him :
and·he·was·robed·in the·priest his·tunic lonen and·pants⁺·of lonen he·is·robed·in upon his·flesh
and·he·heightened °the·bounty that she·eats the·fire °the·upward·offering upon the·offering·place
and·he·placed·him beside the·offering·place :
and·he·dismantled °his·coverings⁺
and·he·was·robed·in coverings⁺ after⁺
and·he·let·go °the·bounty to from·exterior to·the·camp
to rising·place pure :
and·the·fire upon the·offering·place she·smolders in·him she·is·not·quenched
and·he·consumed·by·fire upon·her the·priest trees⁺ in·the·dayplow in·the·dayplow
and·he·lined·up upon·her the·upward·offering
and·he·incendiated upon·her the·fats⁺·of the·shaloms⁺ :
fire always she·smolders upon the·offering·place she·is·not·quenched :
and·this the·torah·of the·tribute
presenting °her the·sons⁺·of Aharon to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
to the·face⁺·of the·offering·place :
and·he·heightened from·him in·his·scoop from·the·flour·of the·tribute and·from·her·oil
and·°all·of the·white·incense
that upon the·tribute
and·he·incendiated the·offering·place breath·of peace her·memorial to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·the·remnant from·her
they·eat⁺ Aharon and·his·sons⁺
matzahs⁺ she·is·eaten in·rising·place sacred
in·courtyard·of tent·of assembly they·eat⁺·her :
she·is·not·baked sourdough
their·dividend I·gave °her from·my·fire-offerings⁺
sanctuary·of sanctuaries⁺ she
as·the·sin and·as·the·transgression :
all·of membered in·the·sons⁺·of Aharon he·eats·her
prescription·of eternity to·your⁺·saecula⁺
from·the·fire-offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
all that he·touches in·them he·is·sanctified :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
this the·present·of Aharon and·his·sons⁺ that they·present⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ in·day·of being·anointed °him
the·tenth·of the·bucket flour tribute always
her·half in·the·dayplow
and·her·half in·the·evening :
upon skillet in·the·oil she·is·done fried you·bring·her·in
baked·goods⁺·of tribute·of morsels⁺
you·present breath·of peace to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·the·priest the·anointed unders⁺·him from·his·sons⁺ he·does °her
prescription·of eternity to·Yʜᴡʜ all-all she·is·incendiated :
and·all·of tribute·of priest all-all she·is she·is·not·eaten :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to Aharon and·to his·sons⁺ saying
this the·torah·of the·sin
in·rising·place·of that she·is·slaughtered the·upward·offering she·is·slaughtered the·sin to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
sanctuary·of sanctuaries⁺ she :
the·priest that·makes·sinless °her he·eats·her
in·rising·place sacred she·is·eaten
in·courtyard·of tent·of assembly :
all that he·touches in·her·flesh he·is·sanctified
and·that he·spatters from·her·blood upon the·covering
that he·spatters upon·her
you·wash in·rising·place sacred :
and·thing·of claycraft that she·is·cooked in·him he·is·broken
and·if in·thing·of copper she·was·cooked
and·he·was·scoured and·he·was·flooded in·the·waters⁺ :
all·of membered in·the·priests⁺ he·eats °her
sanctuary·of sanctuaries⁺ she :
and·all·of sin that he·is·brought·in from·her·blood to tent·of assembly to·atone in·the·Sanctuary she·is·not·eaten
in·the·fire she·is·burned :
and·this the·torah·of the·transgression
sanctuary·of sanctuaries⁺ he :
in·rising·place·of that they·slaughter⁺ °the·upward·offering
they·slaughter⁺ °the·transgression
and·°his·blood he·asperses upon the·offering·place turninground :
and·°all·of his·fat he·presents from·him
and·°the·fat that·covers °the·impresence :
and·°the·two²·of the·allkidneys⁺
and·°the·fat that upon·them
that upon the·follies⁺
and·°the·remainder upon the·weighty·organ
upon the·allkidneys⁺ he·removes·her :
and·he·incendiated °them the·priest ➝the·offering·place
fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ
transgression he :
all membered in·the·priests⁺ he·eats·him
in·rising·place sacred he·is·eaten
sanctuary·of sanctuaries⁺ he :
as·the·sin as·the·transgression
torah one to·them
the·priest that he·atones in·him to·him he·is :
that·presents °upward·offering·of man
the·bareskin·of the·upward·offering that he·presented
to·the·priest to·him he·is :
and·all·of tribute that she·is·baked in·the·lampoven
and·all done in·the·stew and·upon skillet
to·the·priest that·presents °her to·him she·is :
and·all·of tribute mixed in·the·oil and·withered
to·all·of the·sons⁺·of Aharon she·is man as·his·brother :
and·this the·torah·of the·offering·of the·shaloms⁺
that he·presents to·Yʜᴡʜ :
if upon gloryhand he·presents·him
and·he·presented upon the·offering·of the·gloryhand pierced-challahs⁺·of matzahs⁺ mixed⁺ in·the·oil
and·wafers⁺·of matzahs⁺ anointed⁺ in·the·oil
and·flour fried
pierced-challahs⁺ mixed⁺ in·the·oil :
upon pierced-challahs⁺ bread·of sourdough
he·presents his·present
upon the·offering·of the·gloryhand·of his·shaloms⁺ :
and·he·presented from·him one from·all·of present
high·offering to·Yʜᴡʜ
to·the·priest that·asperses °the·blood·of the·shaloms⁺ to·him he·is :
and·the·flesh·of the·offering·of the·gloryhand·of his·shaloms⁺
in·the·day·of his·present he·is·eaten
he·does·not·set·in·peace from·him unto dayplow :
and·if vow or noble·offering the·offering·of his·present
in·the·day·of his·presenting °his·offering he·is·eaten
and·the·remnant from·him he·is·eaten :
and·the·remnant from·the·flesh·of the·offering
in·the·day the·third
in·the·fire he·is·burned :
and·if eaten he·is·eaten from·the·flesh·of the·offering·of his·shaloms⁺ in·the·day the·third he·is·not·favored
that·presents °him he·is·not·considered to·him forbidden he·is
and·the·soul that·eats from·him her·guilt she·bears :
and·the·flesh that he·touches in·all defiled he·is·not·eaten
in·the·fire he·is·burned
all pure he·eats flesh :
and·the·soul that she·eats flesh from·the·offering·of the·shaloms⁺ that to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·his·defilement upon·him
and·she·was·cut·down the·soul she from·her·people⁺ :
and·soul as she·touches in·all defiled in·defilement·of adam or in·beast defiled or in·all·of detestable defiled
and·he·ate from·the·flesh·of the·offering·of the·shaloms⁺ that to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·she·was·cut·down the·soul she from·her·people⁺ :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr saying
all·of fat·of bull and·lamb and·mightygoat you·do·not·eat⁺ :
and·fat·of wilted·body and·fat·of preyed·upon
he·is·done to·all·of ministry
and·eating you·do·not·eat⁺·him :
as all eating fat
from the·beast
that he·presents from·her fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·she·was·cut·down the·soul that·eats from·her·people⁺ :
and·all·of blood you·do·not·eat⁺
in·all·of your⁺·seats⁺
to·the·flyer and·to·the·beast :
all·of soul that she·eats all·of blood
and·she·was·cut·down the·soul she from·her·people⁺ :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr saying
that·presents °the·offering·of his·shaloms⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
he·brings·in °his·present to·Yʜᴡʜ from·the·offering·of his·shaloms⁺ :
his·hands² they·bring·in⁺
°the·fire-offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
°the·fat upon the·brisket he·brings·him·in
°the·brisket to·exalt °him exaltationoffering to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·incendiated the·priest °the·fat ➝the·offering·place
and·he·was the·brisket
to·Aharon and·to·his·sons⁺ :
and·°the·leg·of the·right
you·give⁺ high·offering to·the·priest
from·the·offerings⁺·of your⁺·shaloms⁺ :
that·presents °the·blood·of the·shaloms⁺ and·°the·fat from·the·sons⁺·of Aharon
to·him she·is the·leg·of the·right to·allotment :
as °the·brisket·of the·exaltationoffering and·°the·leg·of the·high·offering I·took from·with the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
from·the·offerings⁺·of their·shaloms⁺
and·I·give °them to·Aharon the·priest and·to·his·sons⁺ to·prescription·of eternity
from·with the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
this the·anointment·of Aharon and·the·anointment·of his·sons⁺
from·the·fire-offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·day he·presented °them
to·be·priest to·Yʜᴡʜ :
that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ to·give to·them in·the·day·of his·anointing °them
from·with the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
prescription·of eternity to·their·saecula⁺ :
this the·torah to·the·upward·offering to·the·tribute
and·to·the·sin and·to·the·transgression
and·to·the·offering·of the·shaloms⁺ :
that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh in·the·mount·of Syny
in·the·day·of his·commanding °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to·present °their·presents⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ in·the·outspeak·of Syny :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝtake °Aharon and·°his·sons⁺ with·him
and·°the·oil·of the·anointment
and·°the·cow·of the·sin and·°the·two²·of the·powrrams⁺
and·°the·basket·of the·matzahs⁺ :
and·°all·of the·assembly ꜝcongregate
to opening·of tent·of assembly :
and·he·does Moseh
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °him
and·she·congregates the·assembly
to opening·of tent·of assembly :
and·he·says Moseh to the·assembly
this the·speech
that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ to·do :
and·he·presents Moseh
°Aharon and·°his·sons⁺
and·he·bathes °them in·the·waters⁺ :
and·he·gives upon·him °the·shirt and·he·girds °him in·the·sash
and·he·robes °him °the·guise
and·he·gives upon·him °the·ephod
and·he·girds °him in·the·consideration·of the·ephod
and·he·puts·on·ephod to·him in·him :
and·he·places upon·him °the·embrasure
and·he·gives to the·embrasure
°the·Lights⁺ and·°the·Completionses⁺ :
and·he·places °the·turban upon his·head
and·he·places upon the·turban to the·snip·of his·face⁺ °the·flower·of the·gold the·vow·of the·sanctuary
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh :
and·he·takes Moseh °the·oil·of the·anointment
and·he·anoints °the·dwelling·place and·°all that in·him
and·he·sanctifies °them :
and·he·spatters from·him upon the·offering·place seven times⁺
and·he·anoints °the·offering·place and·°all·of his·things⁺ and·°the·cauldron and·°his·surefoot to·sanctify·them :
and·he·pours from·the·oil·of the·anointment
upon the·head·of Aharon
and·he·anoints °him to·sanctify·him :
and·he·presents Moseh °the·sons⁺·of Aharon and·he·robes·them shirts⁺ and·he·girds °them sash
and·he·wraps to·them hillhats⁺
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh :
and·he·brings·to·approach °the·cow·of the·sin
and·he·props·up Aharon and·his·sons⁺ °their·hands²
upon the·head·of the·cow·of the·sin :
and·he·slaughters and·he·takes Moseh °the·blood and·he·gives upon the·horns⁺·of the·offering·place turninground in·his·finger
and·he·makes·sinless °the·offering·place
and·°the·blood he·poured to the·foundation·of the·offering·place
and·he·sanctifies·him to·atone upon·him :
and·he·takes °all·of the·fat that upon the·impresence
and·°the·remainder·of the·weighty·organ
and·°the·two²·of the·allkidneys⁺ and·°their·fat
and·he·incendiates Moseh ➝the·offering·place :
and·°the·cow and·°his·bareskin and·°his·flesh and·°his·feces
he·burned in·the·fire
from·the·exterior to·the·camp
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh :
and·he·presents °the·powrram·of the·upward·offering
and·they·prop·up⁺ Aharon and·his·sons⁺ °their·hands² upon the·head·of the·powrram :
and·he·asperses Moseh °the·blood upon the·offering·place turninground :
he·chunked·up to·his·chunks⁺
and·he·incendiates Moseh °the·head
and·°the·chunks⁺ and·°the·suet :
and·°the·impresence and·°the·stoopinglegs² he·bathed in·the·waters⁺
and·he·incendiates Moseh °all·of the·powrram ➝the·offering·place upward·offering he to·breath·of peace fire-offering he to·Yʜᴡʜ
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh :
and·he·presents °the·powrram the·second
the·powrram·of the·fulfillments⁺
and·they·prop·up⁺ Aharon and·his·sons⁺ °their·hands² upon the·head·of the·powrram :
and·he·slaughters and·he·takes Moseh from·his·blood
and·he·gives upon the·tip·of the·ear·of Aharon the·right
and·upon the·thumb·of his·hand the·right
and·upon the·thumb·of his·foot the·right :
and·he·presents °the·sons⁺·of Aharon and·he·gives Moseh from the·blood upon the·tip·of their·ear the·right
and·upon the·thumb·of their·hand the·right
and·upon the·thumb·of their·foot the·right
and·he·asperses Moseh °the·blood upon the·offering·place turninground :
and·he·takes °the·fat and·°the·oathfat and·°all·of the·fat that upon the·impresence
and·°the·remainder·of the·weighty·organ
and·°the·two²·of the·allkidneys⁺ and·°their·fat
and·°the·leg·of the·right :
and·from·the·basket·of the·matzahs⁺ that to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ he·took pierced-challah·of matzah one·of and·pierced-challah·of bread·of oil one·of and·wafer one
and·he·places upon the·fats⁺
and·upon the·leg·of the·right :
and·he·gives °all
upon the·spoons²·of Aharon
and·upon the·spoons²·of his·sons⁺
and·he·exalts °them exaltationoffering to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·takes Moseh °them from·upon their·spoons²
and·he·incendiates ➝the·offering·place upon the·upward·offering
fulfillments⁺ they⁺ to·breath·of peace
fire-offering he to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·takes Moseh °the·brisket
and·he·exalts·him exaltationoffering to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
from·the·powrram·of the·fulfillments⁺ to·Moseh he·was to·allotment
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh :
and·he·takes Moseh from·the·oil·of the·anointment and·from the·blood that upon the·offering·place
and·he·spatters upon Aharon upon his·coverings⁺
and·upon his·sons⁺ and·upon the·coverings⁺·of his·sons⁺ with·him
and·he·sanctifies °Aharon °his·coverings⁺
and·°his·sons⁺ and·°the·coverings⁺·of his·sons⁺ with·him :
and·he·says Moseh to Aharon and·to his·sons⁺ ꜝcook⁺ °the·flesh opening·of tent·of assembly
and·there you·eat⁺ °him
that in·the·basket·of the·fulfillments⁺
as·how I·commanded saying
Aharon and·his·sons⁺ they·eat⁺·him :
and·the·remnant in·the·flesh and·in·the·bread
in·the·fire you·burn⁺ :
and·from·opening·of tent·of assembly you·do·not·go⁺ seven·of days⁺
unto day filling
the·days⁺·of your⁺·fulfillments⁺
as seven·of days⁺
he·fills °your⁺·hand :
as·how he·did in·the·day this
he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ to·do to·atone upon·you⁺ :
and·opening·of tent·of assembly you·settle⁺ daytime and·night seven·of days⁺
and·you·watched⁺ °the·watch·of Yʜᴡʜ and you·do·not·die⁺
as surely I·was·commanded :
and·he·does Aharon and·his·sons⁺
°all·of the·speeches⁺
that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ in·the·hand·of Moseh :
and·he·is in·the·day the·eighth
he·called Moseh
to·Aharon and·to·his·sons⁺
and·to·the·elders⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·says to Aharon ꜝtake to·you ox son·of plowcattle to·sin and·powrram to·upward·offering complete⁺
and·ꜝpresent to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr you·speak saying
ꜝtake⁺ hairgoat·of mightygoats⁺ to·sin
and·ox and·lamb sons⁺·of year complete⁺ to·upward·offering :
and·bull and·powrram to·shaloms⁺ to·offer to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·tribute mixed in·the·oil
as the·day
Yʜᴡʜ he·was·seen to·you⁺ :
and·they·take⁺ °that he·commanded Moseh
to face⁺·of tent·of assembly
and·they·are·present⁺ all·of the·assembly
and·they·stand⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says Moseh
this the·speech that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ you·do⁺
and·ꜝlet·him·be·seen to·you⁺ the·weight·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says Moseh to Aharon ꜝbe·present to the·offering·place and·ꜝdo °your·sin and·°your·upward·offering
and·ꜝatone about·you and·about the·people
and·ꜝdo °the·present·of the·people and·ꜝatone about·them
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·is·present Aharon to the·offering·place
and·he·slaughters °the·ox·of the·sin that to·him :
and·they·present⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon °the·blood to·him
and·he·dips his·finger in·the·blood
and·he·gives upon the·horns⁺·of the·offering·place
and·°the·blood he·poured
to the·foundation·of the·offering·place :
and·°the·fat and·°the·allkidneys⁺ and·°the·remainder from the·weighty·organ from the·sin
he·incendiated ➝the·offering·place
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh :
and·°the·flesh and·°the·bareskin
he·burned in·the·fire
from·the·exterior to·the·camp :
and·he·slaughters °the·upward·offering
and·they·help·find⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon to·him °the·blood
and·he·asperses·him upon the·offering·place turninground :
and·°the·upward·offering they·helped·find⁺ to·him to·her·chunks⁺ and·°the·head
and·he·incendiates upon the·offering·place :
and·he·bathes °the·impresence and·°the·stoopinglegs²
and·he·incendiates upon the·upward·offering ➝the·offering·place :
and·he·presents °the·present·of the·people
and·he·takes °the·hairgoat·of the·sin that to·the·people
and·he·slaughters·him and·he·makes·him·sinless as·the·headmost :
and·he·presents °the·upward·offering
and·he·does·her as·the·judgment :
and·he·presents °the·tribute
and·he·fills his·spoon from·her
and·he·incendiates upon the·offering·place
from·aloneside the·upward·offering·of the·dayplow :
and·he·slaughters °the·bull and·°the·powrram
the·offering·of the·shaloms⁺ that to·the·people
and·they·help·find⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon °the·blood to·him
and·he·asperses·him upon the·offering·place turninground :
and·°the·fats⁺ from the·bull
and·from the·powrram
the·oathfat and·the·covering and·the·allkidneys⁺
and·the·remainder·of the·weighty·organ :
and·they·place⁺ °the·fats⁺ upon the·briskets⁺
and·he·incendiates the·fats⁺ ➝the·offering·place :
and·°the·briskets⁺ and·°the·leg·of the·right
he·exalted Aharon exaltationoffering to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
as·how he·commanded Moseh :
and·he·bears·up Aharon °his·hands² to the·people and·he·kneels·them
and·he·descends from·doing the·sin and·the·upward·offering and·the·shaloms⁺ :
and·he·enters Moseh and·Aharon to tent·of assembly
and·they·kneel⁺ °the·people
and·he·is·seen the·weight·of Yʜᴡʜ to all·of the·people :
and·she·goes fire from·to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·she·eats upon the·offering·place
°the·upward·offering and·°the·fats⁺
and·he·sees all·of the·people and·they·shout⁺
and·they·fall⁺ upon their·face⁺ :
and·they·take⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon Noble and·Father-of-Him man his·firepan and·they·give⁺ in·them fire
and·they·place⁺ upon·her incense
and·they·present⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ fire stranger
that he·did·not·command °them :
and·she·goes fire from·to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ and·she·eats °them
and·they·die⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says Moseh to Aharon he that he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ saying in·my·present⁺ I·am·sacred
and·upon the·face⁺·of all·of the·people I·am·weighty
and·he·is·silent Aharon :
and·he·calls Moseh to ¿Who-as-Powr? and·to Powr-Secret
the·sons⁺·of Might-of-Powr the·intimate·uncle·of Aharon
and·he·says to·them ꜝbe·present⁺ ꜝbear⁺ °your⁺·brothers⁺ from·with the·face⁺·of the·sanctuary
to from·the·exterior to·the·camp :
and·they·are·present⁺ and·they·bear⁺·them in·their·shirts⁺
to from·the·exterior to·the·camp
as·how he·spoke Moseh :
and·he·says Moseh to Aharon and·to·Powr-Helped and·to·Island-of-Palm his·sons⁺ your⁺·heads⁺ ꜝdo·not·dishevel⁺ and·your⁺·coverings⁺ you·do·not·rend⁺ and you·do·not·die⁺
and·upon all·of the·assembly he·is·angry
and·your⁺·brothers⁺ all·of the·house·of Princepowr
they·weep⁺ °the·burning
that he·burned Yʜᴡʜ :
and·from·opening·of tent·of assembly you·do·not·go⁺ lest you·die⁺
as the·oil·of the·anointment·of Yʜᴡʜ upon·you⁺
and·they·do⁺ as·the·speech·of Moseh :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ
to Aharon saying :
wine and·strong·drink ꜝdo·not·drink you and·your·sons⁺ with·you when·you·enter⁺ to tent·of assembly and you·do·not·die⁺
prescription·of eternity to·your⁺·saecula⁺ :
between the·sanctuary and·between the·pierced
and·between the·defiled and·between the·pure :
and·to·torah °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
°all·of the·prescriptions⁺
that he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ to·them in·the·hand·of Moseh :
and·he·speaks Moseh to Aharon and·to Powr-Helped and·to Island-of-Palm his·sons⁺ the·remnants⁺
ꜝtake⁺ °the·tribute the·remnant from·the·fire-offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·ꜝeat⁺·her matzahs⁺ beside the·offering·place
as sanctuary·of sanctuaries⁺ she :
and·you·ate⁺ °her in·rising·place sacred
as your·prescription and·the·prescription·of your·sons⁺ she
from·the·fire-offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
as surely I·was·commanded :
and·°the·brisket·of the·exaltationoffering and·°the·leg·of the·high·offering you·eat⁺ in·rising·place pure
you and·your·sons⁺ and·your·daughters⁺ with·you
as your·prescription and·the·prescription·of your·sons⁺ they·were·given⁺
from·the·offerings⁺·of the·shaloms⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
the·leg·of the·high·offering and·the·brisket·of the·exaltationoffering upon the·fire-offerings⁺·of the·fats⁺ they·bring·in⁺
to·exalt exaltationoffering to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·was to·you and·to·your·sons⁺ with·you to·prescription·of eternity
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ :
and·°the·hairgoat·of the·sin investigating he·investigated Moseh and·¡lo! he·was·burnt·up
and·he·is·angry upon Powr-Helped and·upon Island-of-Palm the·sons⁺·of Aharon
the·remnants⁺ saying :
¿know·why you·did·not·eat⁺ °the·sin in·the·rising·place·of the·sanctuary
as sanctuary·of sanctuaries⁺ she
and·°her he·gave to·you⁺ to·bear °the·guilt·of the·assembly
to·atone upon·them to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
¡lo! he·was·not·brought·in °her·blood
to the·sanctuary faceward
eating you·eat⁺ °her in·the·sanctuary as·how I·commanded :
and·he·speaks Aharon to Moseh ¡lo! the·day they·presented⁺ °their·sin and·°their·upward·offering to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·call·upon⁺ °me as·these
and·I·ate sin the·day
¿he·is·good in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·hears Moseh
and·he·is·good in·his·eyes² :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh and·to Aharon saying to·them :
ꜝspeak⁺ to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr saying
this the·life that you·eat⁺
from·all·of the·beast that upon the·land :
all clawed claw and·creviced creviced·of claws⁺
offering·up·of chaw in·the·beast
°her you·eat⁺ :
surely °this you·do·not·eat⁺
from·the·offering·up⁺·of the·chaw
and·from·the·clawed⁺·of the·claw
°the·camel as offering·up·of chaw he and·claw he·is·ńot clawed
defiled he to·you⁺ :
and·°the·rabbit as offering·up·of chaw he
and·claw he·is·not·clawed
defiled he to·you⁺ :
and·°the·hare as offering·up·of chaw she
and·claw she·was·not·clawed
defiled she to·you⁺ :
and·°the·swine as clawed claw he and·creviced creviced·of claw
and·he chaw he·does·not·chew·up
defiled he to·you⁺ :
from·their·flesh you·do·not·eat⁺
and·in·their·wilted·body you·do·not·touch⁺
defiled⁺ they⁺ to·you⁺ :
°this you·eat⁺
from·all that in·the·waters⁺
all that to·him fin and·scale in·the·waters⁺ in·the·seas⁺ and·in·the·rivers⁺ °them you·eat⁺ :
and·all that there·is·ńot to·him fin and·scale in·the·seas⁺ and·in·the·rivers⁺
from·all·of the·crawler·of the·waters⁺
and·from·all·of soul the·living that in·the·waters⁺
detestable they⁺ to·you⁺ :
and·detestable they·are⁺ to·you⁺
from·their·flesh you·do·not·eat⁺
and·°their·wilted·body you·detest⁺ :
all that there·is·ńot to·him fin and·scale in·the·waters⁺
detestable he to·you⁺ :
and·°these you·detest⁺ from the·flyer
they·are·not·eaten⁺ detestable they⁺
°the·eagle and·°the·clawbird
and·°the·mightybird :
and·°the·hawk to·her·nature :
°all·of eveningbird to·his·nature :
and·°the·daughter·of the·responderbird
and·°the·violentbird and·°the·emaciationbird
and·°the·flowerbird to·his·nature :
and·°the·cupowl and·°the·droppingbird and·°the·breezer :
and·°the·gasper and·°the·vomitbird and·°the·wombbird :
the·nostrilbird to·her·nature
and·°the·dukypat and·°the·bat :
all·of the·crawler·of the·flyer
that·walks upon four
detestable he to·you⁺ :
surely °this you·eat⁺
from·all·of the·crawler·of the·flyer
that·walks upon four
that to·him stoopinglegs² from·upward to·his·feet²
to·jump in·them upon the·land :
°these from·them you·eat⁺
°the·multibug to·his·nature
and·°the·cliffbug to·his·nature
and·°the·startlebug to·his·nature
and·°the·chagabbug to·his·nature :
and·all·of the·crawler·of the·flyer
that to·him four feet²
detestable he to·you⁺ :
and·to·these you·defile·yourselves⁺
all that·touches in·their·wilted·body he·is·defiled unto the·evening :
and·all the·bearer from·their·wilted·body
he·washes his·coverings⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening :
to·all·of the·beast that she clawed claw and·creviced she·is·ńot creviced and·chaw she·is·ńot offering·up
defiled⁺ they⁺ to·you⁺
all that·touches in·them he·is·defiled :
and·all walking upon his·spoons² in·all·of the·life that·walks upon four
defiled⁺ they⁺ to·you⁺
all that·touches in·their·wilted·body he·is·defiled unto the·evening :
and·the·bearer·of °their·wilted·body
he·washes his·coverings⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening
defiled⁺ they⁺ to·you⁺ :
and·this to·you⁺ the·defiled
in·the·crawler that·crawls upon the·land
the·momentine and·the·rat and·the·turtle to·his·nature :
and·the·wailinganimal and·the·vigorlizard and·the·lizard
and·the·gecko and·the·gasper :
these the·defiled⁺ to·you⁺ in·all·of the·crawler
all that·touches in·them in·their·death he·is·defiled unto the·evening :
and·all that he·falls upon·him from·them in·their·death he·is·defiled from·all·of thing·of tree or covering or bareskin or burlap
all·of thing that he·is·done ministry in·them
in·the·waters⁺ he·is·brought·in and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening and·he·was·pure :
and·all·of thing·of claycraft
that he·falls from·them to his·midst
all that in·his·midst he·is·defiled and·°him you·break⁺ :
from·all·of the·edibles that he·is·eaten that he·enters upon·him waters⁺ he·is·defiled
and·all·of drinking that he·is·drunk
in·all·of thing he·is·defiled :
and·all that he·falls from·their·wilted·body upon·him he·is·defiled
lampoven and·cauldrons² he·is·wrecked defiled⁺ they⁺
and·defiled⁺ they·are⁺ to·you⁺ :
surely eyewell and·well hopegathering·of waters⁺ he·is pure
and·touching in·their·wilted·body he·is·defiled :
and·as he·falls from·their·wilted·body
upon all·of seed·of seed that he·is·seeded
pure he :
and·as he·is·given waters⁺ upon seed
and·he·fell from·their·wilted·body upon·him
defiled he to·you⁺ :
and·as he·dies from the·beast
that she to·you⁺ to·edibles
that·touches in·her·wilted·body he·is·defiled unto the·evening :
and·that·eats from·her·wilted·body
he·washes his·coverings⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening
and·the·bearer·of °her·wilted·body
he·washes his·coverings⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening :
and·all·of the·crawler that·crawls upon the·land
detestable he he·is·not·eaten :
all walking upon gut and·all walking upon four unto all multiplying·of feet²
to·all·of the·crawler that·crawls upon the·land
you·do·not·eat⁺·them as detestable they⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·detest⁺ °your⁺·souls⁺
in·all·of the·crawler that·crawls
and you·do·not·defile·yourselves⁺ in·them
and·you·defiled·yourselves⁺ in·them :
as I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
and·you·sanctified·yourselves⁺ and·you·were⁺ sacred⁺
as sacred I
and you·do·not·defile⁺ °your⁺·souls⁺
in·all·of the·crawler that·creeps upon the·land :
as I Yʜᴡʜ that·offers·up °you⁺ from·the·land·of Egypts²
to·be to·you⁺ to·Powers⁺
and·you·were⁺ sacred⁺
as sacred I :
this the·torah·of the·beast and·the·flyer
and·all·of soul the·living
that·creeps in·the·waters⁺
and·to·all·of soul that·crawls upon the·land :
to·separate between the·defiled and·between the·pure
and·between the·life the·eaten
and·between the·life
that she·is·not·eaten :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr saying
woman as she·seeds
and·she·enchilded membered
and·she·was·defiled seven·of days⁺
as·the·days⁺·of the·retreatment·of her·sick she·is·defiled :
and·in·the·day the·eighth
he·is·snipped the·flesh·of his·foreskin :
and·thirty⁺ day and·three·of days⁺
she·settles in·bloods⁺·of purity
in·all·of sanctuary she·does·not·touch and·to the·sanctuary she·does·not·enter
unto filling the·days⁺·of her·purity :
and·if punctured she·enchilds
and·she·was·defiled sevendays² as·her·retreatment
and·sixty⁺ day and·six·of days⁺
she·settles upon bloods⁺·of purity :
and·when·filling the·days⁺·of her·purity to·son or to·daughter
she·brings·in lamb the·son·of his·year to·upward·offering
and·son·of dove or pigeon to·sin
to opening·of tent·of assembly to the·priest :
and·he·presented·him to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ and·he·atoned upon·her
and·she·was·pure from·the·fountain·of her·bloods⁺
this the·torah·of that·enchilds
to·the·membered or to·the·punctured :
and·if she·does·not·find her·hand enough·of ovine
and·she·took two²·of pigeons⁺ or two²·of sons⁺·of dove
one to·upward·offering and·one to·sin
and·he·atoned upon·her the·priest and·she·was·pure :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ
to Moseh and·to Aharon saying :
adam as he·is in·the·bareskin·of his·flesh elevation or rash or pinkness
and·he·was in·the·bareskin·of his·flesh to·touch·of leprosy
and·he·was·brought·in to Aharon the·priest
or to one from·his·sons⁺ the·priests⁺ :
and·he·saw the·priest °the·touch in·the·bareskin·of the·flesh and·hair in·the·touch he·converted white and·the·sight·of the·touch deep from·the·bareskin·of his·flesh
touch·of leprosy he
and·he·saw·him the·priest and·he·defiled °him :
and·if pinkness white she in·the·bareskin·of his·flesh and·deep there·is·ńot her·sight from the·bareskin
and·her·hair he·did·not·convert white
and·he·locked·up the·priest °the·touch seven·of days⁺ :
and·he·saw·him the·priest in·the·day the·seventh
and·¡lo! the·touch he·stood in·his·eyes²
he·did·not·worsen the·touch in·the·bareskin
and·he·locked·up·him the·priest seven·of days⁺ second :
and·he·saw the·priest °him in·the·day the·seventh second
and·¡lo! he·was·waning the·touch
and he·did·not·worsen the·touch in·the·bareskin
and·he·purified·him the·priest rash she
and·he·washed his·coverings⁺ and·he·was·pure :
and·if worsening she·worsens the·rash in·the·bareskin
after⁺ his·being·seen to the·priest to·his·purification
and·he·was·seen second to the·priest :
and·he·saw the·priest
and·¡lo! she·worsened the·rash in·the·bareskin
and·he·defiled·him the·priest leprosy she :
touch·of leprosy
as she·is in·adam
and·he·was·brought·in to the·priest :
and·he·saw the·priest and·¡lo! elevation white in·the·bareskin
and·she she·converted hair white
and·livelihood·of flesh living in·the·elevation :
leprosy put·to·sleep she in·the·bareskin·of his·flesh
and·he·defiled·him the·priest
as defiled he :
and·if budding·out she·buds·out the·leprosy in·the·bareskin
and·she·covered the·leprosy °all·of the·bareskin·of the·touch
from·his·head and·unto his·feet²
to·all·of the·sight·of the·eyes²·of the·priest :
and·he·saw the·priest and·¡lo! she·covered the·leprosy °all·of his·flesh
and·he·purified °the·touch
all·of·him he·converted white pure he :
and·in·the·day·of being·seen in·him flesh living he·is·defiled :
and·he·saw the·priest °the·flesh the·living and·he·defiled·him
the·flesh the·living defiled he leprosy he :
or as he·returns the·flesh the·living and·he·was·converted to·white
and·he·entered to the·priest :
and·he·saw·him the·priest
and·¡lo! he·was·converted the·touch to·white
and·he·purified the·priest °the·touch pure he :
and·flesh as he·is in·him in·his·bareskin infection
and·he·was·healed :
and·he·was in·the·rising·place·of the·infection elevation white
or pinkness white bloodred
and·he·was·seen to the·priest :
and·he·saw the·priest and·¡lo! her·sight low from the·bareskin
and·her·hair he·converted white
and·he·defiled·him the·priest touch·of leprosy she in·the·infection she·budded·out :
and·if he·sees·her the·priest and·¡lo! there·is·ńot in·her hair white
and·low she·is·ńot from the·bareskin and·she waning
and·he·locked·up·him the·priest seven·of days⁺ :
and·if worsening she·worsens in·the·bareskin
and·he·defiled the·priest °him touch she :
and·if unders⁺·her she·stands the·pinkness she·did·not·worsen
the·charring·of the·infection she
and·he·purified·him the·priest :
or flesh
as he·is in·his·bareskin blister·of fire
and·she·was the·livelihood·of the·blister pinkness white bloodred·of or white :
and·he·saw °her the·priest and·¡lo! he·was·converted hair white in·the·pinkness and·her·sight deep from the·bareskin
leprosy she
in·the·blister she·budded·out
and·he·defiled °him the·priest
touch·of leprosy she :
and·if he·sees·her the·priest and·¡lo! there·is·ńot in·the·pinkness hair white
and·low she·is·ńot from the·bareskin and·she waning
and·he·locked·up·him the·priest seven·of days⁺ :
and·he·saw·him the·priest in·the·day the·seventh
if worsening she·worsens in·the·bareskin
and·he·defiled the·priest °him
touch·of leprosy she :
and·if unders⁺·her she·stands the·pinkness she·did·not·worsen in·the·bareskin and·she waning
the·elevation·of the·blister she
and·he·purified·him the·priest
as the·charring·of the·blister she :
and·man or woman
as he·is in·him touch
in·head or in·old·beard :
and·he·saw the·priest °the·touch and·¡lo! his·sight deep from the·bareskin
and·in·him hair gleaming thin
and·he·defiled °him the·priest snapmark he
the·leprosy·of the·head or the·old·beard he :
and·as he·sees the·priest °the·touch·of the·snapmark and·¡lo! there·is·ńot his·sight deep from the·bareskin
and·hair murky there·is·ńot in·him
and·he·locked·up the·priest °the·touch·of the·snapmark seven·of days⁺ :
and·he·saw the·priest °the·touch in·the·day the·seventh
and·¡lo! he·did·not·worsen the·snapmark
and he·was·not in·him hair gleaming
and·the·sight·of the·snapmark
there·is·ńot deep from the·bareskin :
and·°the·snapmark he·does·not·shave
and·he·locked·up the·priest °the·snapmark seven·of days⁺ second :
and·he·saw the·priest °the·snapmark in·the·day the·seventh and·¡lo! he·did·not·worsen the·snapmark in·the·bareskin
and·his·sight he·is·ńot deep from the·bareskin
and·he·purified °him the·priest
and·he·washed his·coverings⁺ and·he·was·pure :
and·if worsening he·worsens the·snapmark in·the·bareskin
after⁺ his·purification :
and·he·saw·him the·priest
and·¡lo! he·worsened the·snapmark in·the·bareskin
he·does·not·plow the·priest to·the·hair the·gleaming defiled he :
and·if in·his·eyes² he·stood the·snapmark and·hair murky he·grew in·him he·was·healed the·snapmark pure he
and·he·purified·him the·priest :
and·man or woman
as he·is in·the·bareskin·of their·flesh pinknesses⁺
pinknesses⁺ white⁺ :
and·he·saw the·priest and·¡lo! in·the·bareskin·of their·flesh pinknesses⁺ waning⁺ white⁺
vitiligo he he·budded·out in·the·bareskin pure he :
and·man as he·is·buffed his·head
baldhead he pure he :
and·if from·the·edge·of his·face⁺
he·is·buffed his·head
receding·hairline he pure he :
and·as he·is in·the·baldness or in·the·receding·hairline
touch white bloodred
leprosy budding·out she
in·his·baldness or in·his·receding·hairline :
and·he·saw °him the·priest and·¡lo! the·elevation·of the·touch white bloodred
in·his·baldness or in·his·receding·hairline
as·sight·of leprosy·of bareskin·of flesh :
man leprous he defiled he
defiling he·defiles·him the·priest in·his·head his·touch :
and·that·is·leprous that in·him the·touch his·coverings⁺ they·are⁺ rent⁺ and·his·head he·is disheveled
and·upon lipstache he·is·clothed
and·defiled defiled he·calls :
all·of days⁺·of that the·touch in·him he·is·defiled defiled he
alone he·settles
from·the·exterior to·the·camp his·seat :
and·the·covering as he·is in·him touch·of leprosy
in·covering·of wool
or in·covering·of flaxes⁺ :
or in·putweave or in·evencloth
to·the·flaxes⁺ and·to·the·wool
or in·bareskin
or in·all·of ministry·of bareskin :
and·he·was the·touch greenish or bloodred in·the·covering or in·the·bareskin or in·the·putweave or in·the·evencloth or in·all·of thing·of bareskin
touch·of leprosy he
and·he·was·shown °the·priest :
and·he·saw the·priest °the·touch
and·he·locked·up °the·touch seven·of days⁺ :
and·he·saw °the·touch in·the·day the·seventh as he·worsened the·touch in·the·covering or in·the·putweave or in·the·evencloth or in·the·bareskin
to·all that he·is·done the·bareskin to·ministry
leprosy stinging the·touch defiled he :
and·he·burned °the·covering or °the·putweave or °the·evencloth in·the·wool or in·the·flaxes⁺
or °all·of the·thing·of the·bareskin
that he·is in·him the·touch
as leprosy stinging she
in·the·fire she·is·burned :
and·if he·sees the·priest
and·¡lo! he·did·not·worsen the·touch
in·the·covering or in·the·putweave or in·the·evencloth
or in·all·of thing·of bareskin :
and·he·commanded the·priest
°that in·him the·touch
and·he·locked·up·him seven·of days⁺ second :
and·he·saw the·priest after⁺ being·washed °the·touch and·¡lo! he·did·not·convert the·touch °his·eye and·the·touch he·did·not·worsen
defiled he
in·the·fire you·burn·him
gorging she
in·his·baldness or in·his·receding·hairline :
and·if he·saw the·priest
and·¡lo! he·was·waning the·touch
after⁺ being·washed °him
and·he·tore °him from the·covering or from the·bareskin
or from the·putweave or from the·evencloth :
and·if she·is·seen again in·the·covering or in·the·putweave or in·the·evencloth or in·all·of thing·of bareskin
budding she
in·the·fire you·burn·him
°that in·him the·touch :
and·the·covering or the·putweave or the·evencloth or all·of the·thing·of the·bareskin that you·wash
and·he·moved from·them the·touch
and·he·was·washed second and·he·was·pure :
this the·torah·of the·touch·of the·leprosy·of the·covering·of the·wool or the·flaxes⁺ or the·putweave or the·evencloth
or all·of thing·of bareskin
to·purify·him or to·defile·him :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
this she·is the·torah·of the·leper
in·the·day·of his·purification
and·he·was·brought·in to the·priest :
and·he·went the·priest
to from·the·exterior to·the·camp
and·he·saw the·priest
and·¡lo! he·was·healed the·touch·of the·leprosy from that·is·leprous :
and·he·commanded the·priest
and·he·took to·the·purificand two²·of skippingbirds⁺ living⁺ pure⁺
and·tree·of cedar
and·scarlet·of fangworm and·hyssop :
and·he·commanded the·priest
and·he·slaughtered °the·skippingbird one
to thing·of claycraft upon waters⁺ living⁺ :
°the·skippingbird the·living he·takes °her
and·°the·tree·of the·cedar and·°the·scarlet·of the·fangworm and·°the·hyssop
and·he·dipped °them and·°the·skippingbird the·living in·the·blood·of the·skippingbird that·is·slaughtered
upon the·waters⁺ the·living⁺ :
and·he·spattered upon the·purificand from the·leprosy seven times⁺
and·he·sent·out °the·skippingbird the·living upon the·face⁺·of the·field :
and·he·washed the·purificand °his·coverings⁺ and·he·shaved °all·of his·hair and·he·bathed in·the·waters⁺ and·he·was·pure
and·after he·enters to the·camp
and·he·settled from·the·exterior to·his·tent seven·of days⁺ :
and·he·was in·the·day the·seventh he·shaves °all·of his·hair °his·head and·°his·old·beard and·°the·brows⁺·of his·eyes²
and·°all·of his·hair he·shaves
and·he·washed °his·coverings⁺ and·he·bathed °his·flesh in·the·waters⁺ and·he·was·pure :
and·in·the·day the·eighth he·takes two²·of lambs⁺ complete⁺
and·lamb one the·daughter·of her·year complete
and·three tenths⁺ flour tribute mixed in·the·oil
and·pint·of one·of oil :
and·he·caused·to·stand the·priest that·purifies °the·man the·purificand and·with·them
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
opening·of tent·of assembly :
and·he·took the·priest °the·lamb one and·he·presented °him to·transgression and·°the·pint·of the·oil
and·he·exalted °them exaltationoffering to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·slaughtered °the·lamb in·rising·place·of that he·slaughters °the·sin and·°the·upward·offering in·the·rising·place·of the·sanctuary
as as·the·sin the·transgression he to·the·priest
sanctuary·of sanctuaries⁺ he :
and·he·took the·priest from·the·blood·of the·transgression
and·he·gave the·priest
upon the·tip·of the·ear·of the·purificand the·right
and·upon the·thumb·of his·hand the·right
and·upon the·thumb·of his·foot the·right :
and·he·took the·priest from·the·pint·of the·oil
and·he·poured upon the·spoon·of the·priest the·left :
and·he·dipped the·priest °his·finger the·right
from the·oil that upon his·spoon the·left
and·he·spattered from the·oil in·his·finger seven times⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·from·the·remainder·of the·oil that upon his·spoon he·gives the·priest upon the·tip·of the·ear·of the·purificand the·right
and·upon the·thumb·of his·hand the·right
and·upon the·thumb·of his·foot the·right
upon the·blood·of the·transgression :
and·the·remnant in·the·oil that upon the·spoon·of the·priest
he·gives upon the·head·of the·purificand
and·he·atoned upon·him the·priest to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·did the·priest °the·sin
and·he·atoned upon the·purificand from·his·defilement
and·after he·slaughters °the·upward·offering :
and·he·offered·up the·priest °the·upward·offering and·°the·tribute ➝the·offering·place
and·he·atoned upon·him the·priest and·he·was·pure :
and·if pulled·down he and·there·is·ńot his·hand catching
and·he·took lamb one transgression to·exaltationoffering to·atone upon·him
and·a·tenth·of flour one mixed in·the·oil to·tribute and·pint·of oil :
and·two²·of pigeons⁺ or two²·of sons⁺·of dove
that she·catches his·hand
and·he·was one sin
and·one upward·offering :
and·he·brought·in °them in·the·day the·eighth to·his·purification to the·priest
to opening·of tent·of assembly to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·took the·priest °the·lamb·of the·transgression and·°the·pint·of the·oil
and·he·exalted °them the·priest exaltationoffering to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·slaughtered °the·lamb·of the·transgression
and·he·took the·priest from·the·blood·of the·transgression
and·he·gave upon the·tip·of the·ear·of the·purificand the·right
and·upon the·thumb·of his·hand the·right
and·upon the·thumb·of his·foot the·right :
and·from the·oil he·pours the·priest
upon the·spoon·of the·priest the·left :
and·he·spattered the·priest in·his·finger the·right
from the·oil that upon his·spoon the·left
seven times⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·gave the·priest from the·oil that upon his·spoon upon the·tip·of the·ear·of the·purificand the·right
and·upon the·thumb·of his·hand the·right
and·upon the·thumb·of his·foot the·right
upon the·rising·place·of the·blood·of the·transgression :
and·the·remnant from the·oil that upon the·spoon·of the·priest
he·gives upon the·head·of the·purificand
to·atone upon·him to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·did °one from the·pigeons⁺
or from the·sons⁺·of the·dove
from·wħich she·catches his·hand :
°that she·catches his·hand °one sin and·°one upward·offering upon the·tribute
and·he·atoned the·priest upon the·purificand to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
this torah·of
that in·him touch·of leprosy
that she·does·not·catch his·hand in·his·purification :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ
to Moseh and·to Aharon saying :
as you·enter⁺ to the·land·of Cashiers⁺
that I giving to·you⁺ to·freehold
and·I·gave touch·of leprosy
in·the·house·of the·land·of your⁺·freehold :
and·he·entered that to·him the·house
and·he·told·forth to·the·priest saying
as·touch he·was·seen to·me in·the·house :
and·he·commanded the·priest and·they·refaced⁺ °the·house in·ere he·enters the·priest to·see °the·touch
and he·is·not·defiled all that in·the·house
and·after surely he·enters the·priest to·see °the·house :
and·he·saw °the·touch and·¡lo! the·touch in·the·walls⁺·of the·house
drownphlegms⁺ greenish⁺
or bloodred⁺
and·their·sight low from the·wall :
and·he·went the·priest from the·house to the·opening·of the·house
and·he·locked·up °the·house seven·of days⁺ :
and·he·returned the·priest in·the·day the·seventh
and·he·saw and·¡lo! he·worsened the·touch in·the·walls⁺·of the·house :
and·he·commanded the·priest
and·they·redressed⁺ °the·stones⁺
that in·them the·touch
and·they·dropped⁺ °them to from·the·exterior to·the·city
to rising·place defiled :
and·°the·house he·causes·to·be·cusped·out from·house turninground
and·they·spilled·out⁺ °the·dust that they·ended·with⁺
to from·the·exterior to·the·city
to rising·place defiled :
and·they·took⁺ stones⁺ after⁺
and·they·brought·in⁺ to under the·stones⁺
and·dust after he·takes and·he·plastered °the·house :
and·if he·returns the·touch and·he·budded·out in·the·house
after redressing °the·stones⁺
and·after⁺ ending·with °the·house and·after⁺ being·plastered :
and·he·entered the·priest
and·he·saw and·¡lo! he·worsened the·touch in·the·house
leprosy stinging she in·the·house defiled he :
and·he·wrecked °the·house °his·stones⁺ and·°his·trees⁺
and·°all·of the·dust·of the·house
and·he·let·go to from·the·exterior to·the·city
to rising·place defiled :
and·that·enters to the·house
all·of days⁺·of he·locked·up °him
he·is·defiled unto the·evening :
and·that·beds in·the·house
he·washes °his·coverings⁺
and·that·eats in·the·house
he·washes °his·coverings⁺ :
and·if entering he·enters the·priest and·he·saw and·¡lo! he·did·not·worsen the·touch in·the·house
after⁺ being·plastered °the·house
and·he·purified the·priest °the·house
as he·was·healed the·touch :
and·he·took to·make·sinless °the·house two²·of skippingbirds⁺
and·tree·of cedar
and·scarlet·of fangworm and·hyssop :
and·he·slaughtered °the·skippingbird one
to thing·of claycraft upon waters⁺ living⁺ :
and·he·took °the·tree·of the·cedar and·°the·hyssop and·°the·scarlet·of the·fangworm and·°the·skippingbird the·living
and·he·dipped °them in·the·blood·of the·skippingbird that·is·slaughtered
and·in·the·waters⁺ the·living⁺
and·he·spattered to the·house seven times⁺ :
and·he·made·sinless °the·house
in·the·blood·of the·skippingbird
and·in·the·waters⁺ the·living⁺
and·in·the·skippingbird the·living and·in·the·tree·of the·cedar and·in·the·hyssop and·in·the·scarlet·of the·fangworm :
and·he·sent·out °the·skippingbird the·living to from·the·exterior to·the·city to the·face⁺·of the·field
and·he·atoned upon the·house and·he·was·pure :
this the·torah
to·all·of the·touch·of the·leprosy and·to·the·snapmark :
and·to·the·leprosy·of the·covering and·to·the·house :
and·to·the·elevation and·to·the·rash and·to·the·pinkness :
to·torah in·the·day·of the·defiled and·in·the·day·of the·pure
this the·torah·of the·leprosy :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ
to Moseh and·to Aharon saying :
ꜝspeak⁺ to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·you·said⁺ to·them
man man as he·is emitting from·his·flesh
his·emission defiled he :
and·this she·is his·defilement in·his·emission
he·was·phlegmy his·flesh °his·emission or he·sealed·up his·flesh from·his·emission
his·defilement she :
all·of the·bed that he·beds upon·him that·emits he·is·defiled
and·all·of the·thing that he·settles upon·him he·is·defiled :
and·man that he·touches in·his·bed
he·washes his·coverings⁺ and·he·bathed in·the·waters⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening :
and·that·settles upon the·thing
that he·settles upon·him that·emits
he·washes his·coverings⁺ and·he·bathed in·the·waters⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening :
and·that·touches in·the·flesh·of that·emits
he·washes his·coverings⁺ and·he·bathed in·the·waters⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening :
and·as he·spits that·emits in·the·pure
and·he·washed his·coverings⁺ and·he·bathed in·the·waters⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening :
and·all·of the·chariot that he·chariots upon·him that·emits he·is·defiled :
and·all·of that·touches in·all that he·is unders⁺·him
he·is·defiled unto the·evening
and·the·bearer·of °them
he·washes his·coverings⁺ and·he·bathed in·the·waters⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening :
and·all that he·touches in·him that·emits
and·his·hands² he·did·not·flood in·the·waters⁺
and·he·washed his·coverings⁺ and·he·bathed in·the·waters⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening :
and·thing·of claycraft that he·touches in·him that·emits he·is·broken
and·all·of thing·of tree
he·is·flooded in·the·waters⁺ :
and·as he·is·pure that·emits from·his·emission
and·he·counted to·him seven·of days⁺ to·his·purification and·he·washed his·coverings⁺
and·he·bathed his·flesh in·waters⁺ living⁺ and·he·was·pure :
and·in·the·day the·eighth he·takes to·him two²·of pigeons⁺
or two²·of sons⁺·of dove
and·he·entered to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ to opening·of tent·of assembly
and·he·gave·them to the·priest :
and·he·did °them the·priest
one sin
and·one upward·offering
and·he·atoned upon·him the·priest to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ from·his·emission :
and·man as she·goes from·him bed·of seed
and·he·bathed in·the·waters⁺ °all·of his·flesh and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening :
and·all·of covering and·all·of bareskin
that he·is upon·him bed·of seed
and·he·was·washed in·the·waters⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening :
and·woman that he·beds man with·her bed·of seed
and·they·bathed⁺ in·the·waters⁺
and·they·were·defiled⁺ unto the·evening :
and·woman as she·is emitting
blood he·is her·emission in·her·flesh
seven·of days⁺ she·is in·her·retreatment
and·all·of that·touches in·her he·is·defiled unto the·evening :
and·all that she·beds upon·him in·her·retreatment he·is·defiled
and·all that she·settles upon·him he·is·defiled :
and·all that·touches in·her·bed
he·washes his·coverings⁺ and·he·bathed in·the·waters⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening :
and·all·of that·touches
in·all·of thing that she·settles upon·him
he·washes his·coverings⁺ and·he·bathed in·the·waters⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening :
and·if upon the·bed he or upon the·thing that she settling upon·him when·he·touches in·him
he·is·defiled unto the·evening :
and·if bedding he·beds man with·her and·ꜝlet·her·be her·retreatment upon·him
and·he·was·defiled seven·of days⁺
and·all·of the·bed that he·beds upon·him he·is·defiled :
and·woman as he·emits the·emission·of her·blood days⁺ many⁺ in·not the·season·of her·retreatment
or as she·emits upon her·retreatment
all·of the·days⁺·of the·emission·of her·defilement as·the·days⁺·of her·retreatment she·is defiled she :
all·of the·bed that she·beds upon·him all·of the·days⁺·of her·emission
as·the·bed·of her·retreatment he·is to·her
and·all·of the·thing that she·settles upon·him
defiled he·is
as·the·defilement·of her·retreatment :
and·all·of that·touches in·them he·is·defiled
and·he·washed his·coverings⁺ and·he·bathed in·the·waters⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening :
and·if she·was·pure from·her·emission
and·she·counted to·her seven·of days⁺ and·after she·is·pure :
and·in·the·day the·eighth she·takes to·her two²·of pigeons⁺
or two²·of sons⁺·of dove
and·she·brought·in °them to the·priest
to opening·of tent·of assembly :
and·he·did the·priest °one sin
and·°one upward·offering
and·he·atoned upon·her the·priest to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
from·the·emission·of her·defilement :
and·you·envowed⁺ °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr from·their·defilement
and they·do·not·die⁺ in·their·defilement
when·they·defile⁺ °my·dwelling·place that in·their·midst :
this the·torah·of that·emits
and·that she·goes from·him bed·of seed to·be·defiled in·her :
and·the·sick in·her·retreatment
and·that·emits °his·emission
to·the·membered and·to·the·punctured
and·to·man that he·beds near defiled :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh
after⁺ the·death·of
the·two²·of the·sons⁺·of Aharon
when·they·are·present⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ and·they·die⁺ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh ꜝspeak to Aharon your·brother
and ꜝlet·him·not·enter in·all·of season to the·sanctuary
from·the·house to·the·screen
to the·face⁺·of the·atonement that upon the·ark and he·does·not·die
as in·the·cloud
I·am·seen upon the·atonement :
in·this he·enters Aharon to the·sanctuary
in·cow son·of plowcattle to·sin and·powrram to·upward·offering :
shirt·of lonen·of sanctuary he·is·robed·in and·pants⁺·of lonen they·are⁺ upon his·flesh
and·in·sash·of lonen he·girds
and·in·turban·of lonen he·turbans·up
coverings⁺·of sanctuary they⁺
and·he·bathed in·the·waters⁺ °his·flesh and·he·was·robed·in·them :
and·from·with the·assembly·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
he·takes two²·of hairgoats⁺·of mightygoats⁺ to·sin
and·powrram one to·upward·offering :
and·he·presented Aharon °the·cow·of the·sin that to·him
and·he·atoned about·him and·about his·house :
and·he·took °the·two²·of the·hairgoats⁺
and·he·caused·to·stand °them to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
opening·of tent·of assembly :
and·he·gave Aharon upon the·two²·of the·hairgoats⁺ lots⁺
lot one to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·lot one to·Mightyproceed :
and·he·presented Aharon °the·hairgoat
that he·went·up upon·him the·lot to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·did·him sin :
and·the·hairgoat that he·went·up upon·him the·lot to·Mightyproceed
he·is·caused·to·stand living to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ to·atone upon·him
to·send·out °him to·Mightyproceed ➝the·outspeak :
and·he·presented Aharon °the·cow·of the·sin that to·him
and·he·atoned about·him and·about his·house
and·he·slaughtered °the·cow·of the·sin that to·him :
and·he·took the·fullness·of the·firepan embers⁺·of fire from·upon the·offering·place from·to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·the·fullness·of his·paws²
incense·of aromatics⁺ thin
and·he·brought·in from·the·house to·the·screen :
and·he·gave °the·incense upon the·fire to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·covered the·cloud·of the·incense °the·atonement that upon the·witness and he·does·not·die :
and·he·took from·the·blood·of the·cow
and·he·spattered in·his·finger upon the·face⁺·of the·atonement ➝frontward
and·to·the·face⁺·of the·atonement he·spatters seven times⁺ from the·blood in·his·finger :
and·he·slaughtered °the·hairgoat·of the·sin that to·the·people
and·he·brought·in °his·blood
to from·the·house to·the·screen
and·he·did with his·blood as·how he·did to·the·blood·of the·cow
and·he·spattered °him upon the·atonement and·to·the·face⁺·of the·atonement :
and·he·atoned upon the·Sanctuary from·the·defilements⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·from·their·rebellions⁺ to·all·of their·sins⁺
and·surely he·does to·tent·of assembly
that·dwells with·them
in·the·midst·of their·defilements⁺ :
and·all·of adam he·is·not in·tent·of assembly when·he·enters to·atone in·the·Sanctuary unto his·going
and·he·atoned about·him and·about his·house
and·about all·of the·congregation·of Princepowr :
and·he·went to the·offering·place that to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ and·he·atoned upon·him
and·he·took from·the·blood·of the·cow and·from·the·blood·of the·hairgoat
and·he·gave upon the·horns⁺·of the·offering·place turninground :
and·he·spattered upon·him from the·blood in·his·finger seven times⁺
and·he·purified·him and·he·sanctified·him
from·the·defilements⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·was·all·done from·atoning °the·Sanctuary
and·°tent·of assembly and·°the·offering·place
and·he·presented °the·hairgoat the·living :
and·he·propped·up Aharon °the·two²·of his·hands² upon the·head·of the·hairgoat the·living
and·he·raised·his·hands upon·him °all·of the·guilts⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·°all·of their·rebellions⁺ to·all·of their·sins⁺
and·he·gave °them upon the·head·of the·hairgoat
and·he·sent·out in·hand·of man seasonal ➝the·outspeak :
and·he·bore the·hairgoat upon·him °all·of their·guilts⁺ to land·of section
and·he·sent·out °the·hairgoat in·the·outspeak :
and·he·entered Aharon to tent·of assembly
and·he·dismantled °the·coverings⁺·of the·lonen
that he·was·robed·in when·he·enters to the·Sanctuary
and·he·set·them·in·peace there :
and·he·bathed °his·flesh in·the·waters⁺ in·rising·place sacred
and·he·was·robed·in °his·coverings⁺
and·he·went and·he·did °his·upward·offering and·°the·upward·offering·of the·people
and·he·atoned about·him and·about the·people :
and·°the·fat·of the·sin he·incendiates ➝the·offering·place :
and·that·sends·out °the·hairgoat to·Mightyproceed
he·washes his·coverings⁺
and·he·bathed °his·flesh in·the·waters⁺
and·after⁺ surely he·enters to the·camp :
and·°the·cow·of the·sin and·°the·hairgoat·of the·sin that he·was·brought·in °their·blood to·atone in·the·Sanctuary
he·lets·go to from·the·exterior to·the·camp
and·they·burned⁺ in·the·fire
°their·bareskins⁺ and·°their·flesh and·°their·feces :
and·that·burns °them
he·washes his·coverings⁺
and·he·bathed °his·flesh in·the·waters⁺
and·after⁺ surely he·enters to the·camp :
and·she·was to·you⁺ to·prescription·of eternity
in·the·new·moon the·seventh in·the·tenth to·the·new·moon you·humiliate⁺ °your⁺·souls⁺ and·all·of ministry you·do·not·do⁺
and·the·lodger the·lodger in·your⁺·midst :
as in·the·day this he·atones upon·you⁺ to·purify °you⁺
from·all·of your⁺·sins⁺
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ you·are·pure⁺ :
rest·of restfulness she to·you⁺
and·you·humiliated⁺ °your⁺·souls⁺
prescription·of eternity :
and·he·atoned the·priest that he·anoints °him and·that he·fills °his·hand
to·be·priest under his·father
and·he·was·robed·in °the·coverings⁺·of the·lonen the·coverings⁺·of the·sanctuary :
and·he·atoned °the·sanctuary·of the·sanctuary
and·°tent·of assembly and·°the·offering·place he·atones
and·upon the·priests⁺ and·upon all·of the·people·of the·congregation he·atones :
and·she·was this to·you⁺ to·prescription·of eternity to·atone upon the·sons⁺·of Princepowr from·all·of their·sins⁺
one in·the·year
and·he·does as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to Aharon and·to his·sons⁺ and·to all·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·you·said to·them
this the·speech
that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ saying :
man man from·the·house·of Princepowr
that he·slaughters bull or lamb or mightygoat in·the·camp
or that he·slaughters
from·the·exterior to·the·camp :
and·to opening·of tent·of assembly he·did·not·bring·him·in
to·present present to·Yʜᴡʜ
to·the·face⁺·of the·dwelling·place·of Yʜᴡʜ
blood he·is·considered to·the·man he blood he·spilled
and·he·was·cut·down the·man he from·the·impresence·of his·people :
because·of that ꜝlet·them·bring·in⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr °their·offerings⁺ that they⁺ offering⁺ upon the·face⁺·of the·field
and·they·brought·them·in⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ to opening·of tent·of assembly to the·priest
and·they·offered⁺ offerings⁺·of shaloms⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ °them :
and·he·aspersed the·priest °the·blood upon the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ
opening·of tent·of assembly
and·he·incendiated the·fat
to·breath·of peace to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and they·do·not·offer⁺ again °their·offerings⁺
to·the·hairgoats⁺ that they⁺ fornicators⁺ after⁺·them
prescription·of eternity she·is this to·them to·their·saecula⁺ :
and·to·them you·say
man man from·the·house·of Princepowr
and·from the·lodger that he·lodges in·their·midst
that he·offers·up upward·offering or offering :
and·to opening·of tent·of assembly he·does·not·bring·him·in
to·do °him to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·was·cut·down the·man he from·his·people⁺ :
and·man man from·the·house·of Princepowr and·from the·lodger the·lodger in·their·midst
that he·eats all·of blood
and·I·gave my·face⁺ in·the·soul that·eats °the·blood
and·I·cut·down °her from·the·impresence·of her·people :
as the·soul·of the·flesh in·the·blood she
and·I I·gave·him to·you⁺ upon the·offering·place
to·atone upon your⁺·souls⁺
as the·blood he in·the·soul he·atones :
upon surely I·said to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
all·of soul from·you⁺ she·does·not·eat blood
and·the·lodger the·lodger in·your⁺·midst he·does·not·eat blood :
and·man man from·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·from the·lodger the·lodger in·their·midst
that he·hunts hunting·of life or flyer that he·is·eaten
and·he·spilled·out °his·blood
and·he·covered·him in·the·dust :
as soul·of all·of flesh his·blood in·his·soul he
and·I·say to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
blood·of all·of flesh you·do·not·eat⁺
as soul·of all·of flesh his·blood she
all·of that·eat⁺·him he·is·cut·down :
and·all·of soul that she·eats wilted·body and·preyed·upon
in·the·nativedawned and·in·the·lodger
and·he·washed his·coverings⁺ and·he·bathed in·the·waters⁺ and·he·was·defiled unto the·evening and·he·was·pure :
and·if he·does·not·wash
and·his·flesh he·does·not·bathe
and·he·bore his·guilt :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·you·said to·them
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
as·the·deed·of the·land·of Egypts² that you·settled⁺ in·her you·do·not·do⁺
and·as·the·deed·of the·land·of Cashiers⁺ that I bringing·in °you⁺ ➝there you·do·not·do⁺
and·in·their·prescriptions⁺ you·do·not·walk⁺ :
°my·judgments⁺ you·do⁺ and·°my·prescriptions⁺ you·watch⁺ to·walk in·them
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·you·watched⁺ °my·prescriptions⁺ and·°my·judgments⁺
that he·does °them the·adam and·he·lived in·them
I Yʜᴡʜ :
man man to all·of the·meat·of his·flesh
you·are·not·present⁺ to·strip bareness
I Yʜᴡʜ :
the·bareness·of your·father and·the·bareness·of your·mama you·do·not·strip
your·mama she
you·do·not·strip her·bareness :
the·bareness·of the·woman·of your·father you·do·not·strip
the·bareness·of your·father she :
the·bareness·of your·sister the·daughter·of your·father or the·daughter·of your·mama
childage·of house
or childage·of exterior
you·do·not·strip their·bareness :
the·bareness·of the·daughter·of your·son or the·daughter·of your·daughter
you·do·not·strip their·bareness
as your·bareness they⁺ :
the·bareness·of the·daughter·of the·woman·of your·father the·childage·of your·father
your·sister she
you·do·not·strip her·bareness :
the·bareness·of the·sister·of your·father you·do·not·strip
the·meat·of your·father she :
the·bareness·of the·sister·of your·mama you·do·not·strip
as the·meat·of your·mama she :
the·bareness·of the·brother·of your·father you·do·not·strip
to his·woman you·are·not·present
your·intimate·aunt she :
the·bareness·of your·allness you·do·not·strip
the·woman·of your·son she
you·do·not·strip her·bareness :
the·bareness·of the·woman·of your·brother you·do·not·strip
the·bareness·of your·brother she :
bareness·of woman and·her·daughter you·do·not·strip
°the·daughter·of her·son and·°the·daughter·of her·daughter you·do·not·take to·strip her·bareness
meat they⁺ evil·determination she
and·woman to her·sister you·do·not·take
to·rock·in to·strip her·bareness upon·her in·her·life⁺ :
and·to woman in·the·retreatment·of her·defilement
to·strip her·bareness :
and·to the·woman·of your·comrade
you·do·not·give your·bed to·seed
to·be·defiled in·her :
and·from·your·seed you·do·not·give to·make·cross·by to·the·King
and you·do·not·pierce °the·name·of your·Powers⁺ I Yʜᴡʜ :
you·do·not·bed beds⁺·of woman
abomination she :
and·in·all·of beast you·do·not·give your·bed to·be·defiled in·her
and·woman she·does·not·stand to·face⁺·of beast to·get·on·all·fours·with·her mixup he :
ꜝdo·not·defile·yourselves⁺ in·all these
as in·all these they·defiled·themselves⁺ the·clans⁺
that I sending·out from·your⁺·face⁺ :
and·she·is·defiled the·land
and·I·reckon her·guilt upon·her
and·she·vomits the·land °that·settle⁺·her :
and·you·watched⁺ you⁺ °my·prescriptions⁺ and·°my·judgments⁺
and you·do·not·do⁺
from·all·of the·abominations⁺ these
and·the·lodger the·lodger in·your⁺·midst :
as °all·of the·abominations⁺ these
they·did⁺ the·mortals⁺·of the·land that to·your⁺·face⁺
and·she·is·defiled the·land :
and she·does·not·vomit the·land °you⁺
when·you·defile⁺ °her
as·how she·vomited °the·clan that to·your⁺·face⁺ :
as all that he·does
from·all·of the·abominations⁺ these
and·they·were·cut·down⁺ the·souls⁺ that·do⁺ from·the·impresence·of their·people :
and·you·watched⁺ °my·watch to·not doing from·the·prescriptions⁺·of the·abominations⁺ that they·were·done⁺ to·your⁺·face⁺
and you·do·not·defile·yourselves⁺ in·them
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying
ꜝspeak to all·of the·assembly·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·you·said to·them sacred⁺ you·are⁺
as sacred
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
man his·mama and·his·father you·fear⁺
and·°my·rests⁺ you·watch⁺
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·face⁺ to the·no-powers⁺
and·Powers⁺·of libated·metal
you·do·not·do⁺ to·you⁺
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·as you·offer⁺ offering·of shaloms⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
to·your⁺·favor you·offer⁺·him :
in·the·day·of your⁺·offering he·is·eaten and·from·aftermorrow
and·the·remnant unto day the·third
in·the·fire he·is·burned :
and·if eaten he·is·eaten in·the·day the·third
forbidden he he·is·not·favored :
and·that·eat⁺·him his·guilt he·bears
as °the·sanctuary·of Yʜᴡʜ he·pierced
and·she·was·cut·down the·soul she from·her·people⁺ :
and·when·you·crop⁺ °the·crop·of your⁺·land
you·are·not·all·done the·edge·of your·field to·crop
and·the·gleaning·of your·crop you·do·not·glean :
and·your·orchard you·do·not·exploit
and·the·spontaneously-fallen·of your·orchard you·do·not·glean
to·the·humiliated and·to·the·lodger you·abandon °them
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and you·do·not·deny⁺ and you·are·not·false⁺ man in·his·comrade :
and you·do·not·vow·seven⁺ in·my·name to·the·falsehood
and·you·pierced °the·name·of your·Powers⁺ I Yʜᴡʜ :
you·do·not·intimidate °your·tendent and you·do·not·rob
she·does·not·repose work·of hireling with·you unto dayplow :
you·do·not·slight craftydeaf
and·to·face⁺·of blind
you·do·not·give stumbleblock
and·you·feared from·your·Powers⁺ I Yʜᴡʜ :
you·do·not·do⁺ evil in·the·judgment
you·do·not·bear·up face⁺·of pulled·down
and you·do·not·magnify face⁺·of great
in·justice you·judge your·comrade :
you·do·not·walk gossip-trading in·your·people⁺
you·do·not·stand upon the·blood·of your·tendent
I Yʜᴡʜ :
you·do·not·hate °your·brother in·your·heart
reproving you·reprove °your·comrade
and you·do·not·bear upon·him sin :
you·do·not·avenge and you·do·not·target °the·sons⁺·of your·people
and·you·loved to·your·tendent as·you
I Yʜᴡʜ :
°my·prescriptions⁺ you·watch⁺
your·beast you·do·not·put·on·all·fours·together two·things²
your·field you·do·not·seed two·things²
and·covering two·things² scratchnez
he·does·not·go·up upon·you :
and·man as he·beds °woman bed·of seed and·she family·servant contracted to·man
and·being·caused·to·ransom she·was·not·ransomed
or freedom he·was·not·given to·her
plowed she·is they·are·not·put·to·death⁺ as she·was·not·free :
and·he·brought·in °his·transgression to·Yʜᴡʜ
to opening·of tent·of assembly
powrram·of transgression :
and·he·atoned upon·him the·priest in·the·powrram·of the·transgression to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
upon his·sin that he·sinned
and·he·was·pardoned to·him
from·his·sin that he·sinned :
and·as you·enter⁺ to the·land and·you·planted⁺ all·of tree·of edibles
and·you·considered·foreskinned⁺ his·foreskin °his·fruit
three years⁺ he·is to·you⁺ foreskinned⁺ he·is·not·eaten :
and·in·the·year the·fourth
he·is all·of his·fruit
sanctuary praises⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·in·the·year the·fifth you·eat⁺ °his·fruit
to·add to·you⁺ his·inbringing
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
you·do·not·eat⁺ upon the·blood
you·do·not·read·copper⁺ and you·do·not·read·clouds⁺ :
the·edge·of your⁺·head
and you·do·not·ruin
°the·edge·of your·old·beard :
and·gash to·soul you·do·not·give⁺ in·your⁺·flesh
and·writing·of tattoo
you·do·not·give⁺ in·you⁺
I Yʜᴡʜ :
ꜝdo·not·pierce °your·daughter to·teach·her·fornication
and she·does·not·fornicate the·land
and·she·filled the·land evil·determination :
°my·rests⁺ you·watch⁺
and·my·sanctuary you·fear⁺
I Yʜᴡʜ :
ꜝdo·not·face⁺ to the·ghosts⁺ and·to the·spiritknowers⁺
ꜝdo·not·seek⁺ to·be·defiled in·them
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
from·face⁺·of gray·head you·arise
and·you·magnified face⁺·of elder
and·you·feared from·your·Powers⁺ I Yʜᴡʜ :
and·as he·lodges with·you lodger in·your⁺·land
you·do·not·exile⁺ °him :
as·nativedawned from·you⁺ he·is to·you⁺ the·lodger the·lodger with·you⁺ and·you·loved to·him as·you
as lodgers⁺ you·were⁺ in·the·land·of Egypts²
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
you·do·not·do⁺ evil in·the·judgment
in·the·measure in·the·shekelness and·in·the·volume :
earscales²·of justice stones⁺·of justice bucket·of justice and·hin·of justice he·is to·you⁺
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
that I·let·go °you⁺ from·the·land·of Egypts² :
and·you·watched⁺ °all·of my·prescriptions⁺ and·°all·of my·judgments⁺
and·you·did⁺ °them
I Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
and·to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr you·say
man man from·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·from the·lodger the·lodger in·Princepowr that he·gives from·his·seed to·the·King dying he·is·put·to·death
the·people·of the·land they·execute⁺·him in·the·stone :
and·I I·give °my·face⁺ in·the·man he
and·I·cut·down °him from·the·impresence·of his·people
as from·his·seed he·gave to·the·King
because·of defiling °my·sanctuary
and·to·pierce °the·name·of my·sanctuary :
and·if hooding they·hood⁺ the·people·of the·land °their·eyes² from the·man he
when·he·gives from·his·seed to·the·King
to·not putting·to·death °him :
and·I·placed I °my·face⁺ in·the·man he and·in·his·family
and·I·cut·down °him and·°all the·fornicators⁺ after⁺·him to·fornicate after⁺ the·King from·the·impresence·of their·people :
and·the·soul that she·faces to the·ghosts⁺ and·to the·spiritknowers⁺
to·fornicate after⁺·them
and·I·gave °my·face⁺ in·the·soul she
and·I·cut·down °him from·the·impresence·of his·people :
and·you·were⁺ sacred⁺
as I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·you·watched⁺ °my·prescriptions⁺
and·you·did⁺ °them
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·sanctifier :
as man man that he·slights °his·father and·°his·mama dying he·is·put·to·death
his·father and·his·mama he·slighted his·bloods⁺ in·him :
and·man that he·adulterizes °woman·of man
that he·adulterizes °the·woman·of his·tendent
dying he·is·put·to·death the·adulterer and·the·adulterer :
and·man that he·beds °the·woman·of his·father
the·bareness·of his·father he·stripped
dying they·are·put·to·death⁺ the·two²·of·them their·bloods⁺ in·them :
and·man that he·beds °his·allness
dying they·are·put·to·death⁺ the·two²·of·them
mixup they·did⁺ their·bloods⁺ in·them :
and·man that he·beds °membered beds⁺·of woman
abomination they·did⁺ the·two²·of·them
dying they·are·put·to·death⁺ their·bloods⁺ in·them :
and·man that he·takes °woman and·°her·mama evil·determination she
in·the·fire they·burn⁺ °him and·°them
and she·is·not evil·determination in·your⁺·midst :
and·man that he·gives his·bed in·beast dying he·is·put·to·death
and·°the·beast you·kill⁺ :
and·woman that she·is·present to all·of beast to·get·on·all·fours·with with·her
and·you·killed °the·woman and·°the·beast
dying they·are·put·to·death⁺ their·bloods⁺ in·them :
and·man that he·takes °his·sister the·daughter·of his·father or the·daughter·of his·mama and·he·saw °her·bareness and·she she·sees °his·bareness mercy he
to·the·eyes²·of the·sons⁺·of their·people
the·bareness·of his·sister he·stripped his·guilt he·bears :
and·man that he·beds °woman sick and·he·stripped °her·bareness °her·fountain he·layed·bare
and·she she·stripped °the·fountain·of her·bloods⁺
and·they·were·cut·down⁺ the·two²·of·them from·the·impresence·of their·people :
and·the·bareness·of the·sister·of your·mama and·the·sister·of your·father you·do·not·strip
as °his·meat he·layed·bare their·guilt they·bear⁺ :
and·man that he·beds °his·intimate·aunt
the·bareness·of his·intimate·uncle he·stripped
their·sin they·bear⁺ barren⁺ they·die⁺ :
and·man that he·takes °the·woman·of his·brother retreatment she
the·bareness·of his·brother he·stripped barren⁺ they·are⁺ :
and·you·watched⁺ °all·of my·prescriptions⁺ and·°all·of my·judgments⁺
and·you·did⁺ °them
and she·does·not·vomit °you⁺ the·land
that I bringing·in °you⁺ ➝there to·settle in·her :
and you·do·not·walk⁺ in·the·prescriptions⁺·of the·clan
that I sending·out from·your⁺·face⁺
as °all these they·did⁺
and·I·am·vexed in·them :
and·I·say to·you⁺ you⁺ you·inherit⁺ °their·adamah
and·I I·give·her to·you⁺ to·inherit °her
land emitting·of fatmilk and·honey
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
that I·separated °you⁺ from the·people⁺ :
and·you·separated⁺ between the·beast the·pure to·the·defiled
and·between the·flyer the·defiled to·the·pure
and you·do·not·detest⁺ °your⁺·souls⁺ in·the·beast and·in·the·flyer and·in·all that she·creeps the·adamah
that I·separated to·you⁺ to·defile :
and·you·were⁺ to·me sacred⁺
as sacred I Yʜᴡʜ
and·I·separate °you⁺ from the·people⁺ to·be to·me :
and·man or woman as he·is in·them ghost or spiritknower dying they·are·put·to·death⁺
in·the·stone they·execute⁺ °them their·bloods⁺ in·them :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh
ꜝsay to the·priests⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon
and·you·said to·them
to·soul he·does·not·defile·himself in·his·people⁺ :
but rather to·his·meat
the·present to·him
to·his·mama and·to·his·father
and·to·his·son and·to·his·daughter and·to·his·brother :
and·to·his·sister the·virgin the·present to·him
that she·was·not to·man
to·her he·defiles·himself :
he·does·not·defile·himself master in·his·people⁺
to·be·pierced·him :
they·do·not·make·bald⁺ baldness in·their·head
and·the·edge·of their·old·beard they·do·not·shave⁺
they·do·not·gash⁺ gash :
sacred⁺ they·are⁺ to·their·Powers⁺
and they·do·not·pierce⁺
the·name·of their·Powers⁺
as °the·fire-offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ the·bread·of their·Powers⁺ they⁺ presenting⁺ and·they·were⁺ sanctuary :
woman fornicator and·pierced they·do·not·take⁺
and·woman driven·off from·her·man they·do·not·take⁺
as sacred he to·his·Powers⁺ :
as °the·bread·of your·Powers⁺ he presenting
sacred he·is to·you
as sacred
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·sanctifier :
and·daughter·of man·of priest
as she·pierces to·fornicate
°her·father she piercing
in·the·fire she·is·burned :
and·the·priest the·great from·his·brothers⁺ that he·is·poured upon his·head the·oil·of the·anointment and·he·filled °his·hand
to·be·robed·in °the·coverings⁺
°his·head he·does·not·dishevel
and·his·coverings⁺ he·does·not·rend :
and·upon all·of souls⁺·of dead he·does·not·enter
to·his·father and·to·his·mama he·does·not·defile·himself :
and·from the·sanctuary he·does·not·go
and he·does·not·pierce
°the·sanctuary·of his·Powers⁺
as the·vow·of the·oil·of the·anointment·of his·Powers⁺ upon·him I Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he woman in·her·virginity⁺ he·takes :
widow and·driven·off and·pierced fornicator
°these he·does·not·take
but rather virgin from·his·people⁺ he·takes woman :
and he·does·not·pierce his·seed in·his·people⁺
as I Yʜᴡʜ his·sanctifier :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to Aharon saying
man from·your·seed to·their·saecula⁺ that he·is in·him smudge
to·present the·bread·of his·Powers⁺ :
as all·of man that in·him smudge he·is·not·present
man blind or hobbling
or heremed or cramped :
or man
that he·is in·him break·of foot
or break·of hand :
or humped or thin
or mixed·up in·his·eye
or itch or scab
or rubbed·of cluster :
all·of man that in·him smudge from·the·seed·of Aharon the·priest
to·present °the·fire-offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
smudge in·him
°the·bread·of his·Powers⁺
he·does·not·approach to·present :
the·bread·of his·Powers⁺
from·the·sanctuaries⁺·of the·sanctuaries⁺
and·from the·sanctuaries⁺ he·eats :
surely to the·screen he·does·not·enter and·to the·offering·place he·does·not·approach as smudge in·him
and he·does·not·pierce °my·sanctuaries⁺
as I Yʜᴡʜ their·sanctifier :
and·he·speaks Moseh
to Aharon and·to his·sons⁺
and·to all·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to Aharon and·to his·sons⁺ and·they·are·envowed⁺ from·the·sanctuaries⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and they·do·not·pierce⁺ °the·name·of my·sanctuary
that they⁺ making·sacred⁺ to·me I Yʜᴡʜ :
ꜝsay to·them to·your⁺·saecula⁺ all·of man that he·is·present from·all·of your⁺·seed to the·sanctuaries⁺ that they·make·sacred⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·his·defilement upon·him
and·she·was·cut·down the·soul she from·to·my·face⁺ I Yʜᴡʜ :
man man from·the·seed·of Aharon and·he leprous or emitting
in·the·sanctuaries⁺ he·does·not·eat
unto that he·is·pure
and·that·touches in·all·of defiled·of soul
or man
that she·goes from·him bed·of seed :
or man that he·touches
in·all·of crawler that he·is·defiled to·him
or in·adam that he·is·defiled to·him
to·all·of his·defilement :
soul that she·touches in·him
and·she·was·defiled unto the·evening
and he·does·not·eat from the·sanctuaries⁺
but rather he·bathed his·flesh in·the·waters⁺ :
and·he·entered the·sun and·he·was·pure
and·after he·eats from the·sanctuaries⁺
as his·bread he :
wilted·body and·preyed·upon he·does·not·eat to·be·defiled in·her
I Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·watched⁺ °my·watch and they·do·not·bear⁺ upon·him sin
and·they·died⁺ in·him as they·pierce⁺·him
I Yʜᴡʜ their·sanctifier :
and·all stranger he·does·not·eat sanctuary
settler·of priest and·hireling he·does·not·eat sanctuary :
and·priest as he·stocks·up soul the·stock·of his·silver
he he·eats in·him
and·the·child·of his·house
they⁺ they·eat⁺ in·his·bread :
and·daughter·of priest
as she·is to·man stranger
she in·the·high·offering·of the·sanctuaries⁺ she·does·not·eat :
and·daughter·of priest as she·is widow and·driven·off and·seed there·is·ńot to·her
and·she·returned to the·house·of her·father as·her·youth⁺
from·the·bread·of her·father she·eats
and·all stranger he·does·not·eat in·him :
and·man as he·eats sanctuary in·straying
and·he·added his·fifth upon·him
and·he·gave to·the·priest °the·sanctuary :
and they·do·not·pierce⁺
°the·sanctuaries⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
°that they·heighten⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·bore⁺ °them guilt·of transgression
when·they·eat⁺ °their·sanctuaries⁺
as I Yʜᴡʜ their·sanctifier :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to Aharon and·to his·sons⁺ and·to all·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·you·said to·them
man man from·the·house·of Princepowr and·from the·lodger in·Princepowr that he·presents his·present to·all·of their·vows⁺ and·to·all·of their·noble·offerings⁺
that they·present⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ to·upward·offering :
complete membered
in·the·plowcattle in·the·lambs⁺ and·in·the·mightygoats⁺ :
all that in·him smudge you·do·not·present⁺
as not to·favor he·is to·you⁺ :
and·man as he·presents offering·of shaloms⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
to·do·wonderously vow or to·noble·offering
in·the·plowcattle or in·the·sheep
complete he·is to·favor
all·of smudge he·is·not in·him :
blindness or break or incision or coursing or itch or scab
you·do·not·present⁺ these to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·fire-offering you·do·not·give⁺ from·them upon the·offering·place to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·bull and·ovine cramped and·stunted
noble·offering you·do °him
and·to·vow he·is·not·favored :
and·battered and·beaten and·snapped and·cut·off
you·do·not·present⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·in·your⁺·land you·do·not·do⁺ :
and·from·hand·of son·of unrecognizee you·do·not·present⁺ °the·bread·of your⁺·Powers⁺ from·all these
as their·ruining in·them smudge in·them
they·are·not·favored⁺ to·you⁺ :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
bull or lamb or mightygoat as he·is·enchilded
and·he·was seven·of days⁺ under his·mama
and·from·the·day·of the·eighth and·out
he·is·favored to·present·of fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·bull or ovine
°him and·°his·son
you·do·not·slaughter⁺ in·day one :
and·as you·offer⁺ offering·of gloryhand to·Yʜᴡʜ
to·your⁺·favor you·offer⁺ :
in·the·day he he·is·eaten
you·do·not·let·remain⁺ from·him unto dayplow
I Yʜᴡʜ :
and·you·watched⁺ my·commandments⁺
and·you·did⁺ °them
I Yʜᴡʜ :
and you·do·not·pierce⁺ °the·name·of my·sanctuary
in·the·midst·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·sanctifier :
that·lets·go °you⁺ from·the·land·of Egypts²
to·be to·you⁺ to·Powers⁺
I Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·you·said to·them
the·assemblies⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
that you·call⁺ °them called·gatherings⁺·of sanctuary
these they⁺ my·assemblies⁺ :
six·of days⁺ she·is·done ministry
and·in·the·day the·seventh rest·of restfulness called·gathering·of sanctuary
all·of ministry you·do·not·do⁺
rest she to·Yʜᴡʜ
in·all·of your⁺·seats⁺ :
these the·assemblies⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
called·gatherings⁺·of sanctuary
that you·call⁺ °them in·their·assembly·time :
in·the·new·moon the·headmost in·four and·ten to·the·new·moon between the·evenings²
Hopover to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·in·five and·ten day to·the·new·moon this
the·feast·of the·matzahs⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
seven·of days⁺ matzahs⁺ you·eat⁺ :
in·the·day the·headmost
called·gathering·of sanctuary he·is to·you⁺
all ministry·of service you·do·not·do⁺ :
and·you·presented⁺ fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ seven·of days⁺
in·the·day the·seventh called·gathering·of sanctuary
all·of ministry·of service you·do·not·do⁺ :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·you·said to·them
as you·enter⁺ to the·land that I giving to·you⁺
and·you·cropped⁺ °her·crop
and·you·brought·in⁺ °the·sheaf·of the·headmost·of your⁺·crop to the·priest :
and·he·exalted °the·sheaf to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ to·your⁺·favor
from·the·aftermorrow·of the·rest
he·exalts·him the·priest :
and·you·did⁺ in·the·day·of your⁺·exalting °the·sheaf
lamb complete the·son·of his·year to·upward·offering to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·his·tribute two²·of tenths⁺ flour mixed in·the·oil fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ breath·of peace
and·his·libation wine the·fourth·of the·hin :
and·bread and·roasted·corn and·orchardgrain you·do·not·eat⁺ unto the·bone·of the·day this
unto your⁺·bringing·in
°the·present·of your⁺·Powers⁺
prescription·of eternity to·your⁺·saecula⁺
in·all·of your⁺·seats⁺ :
and·you·counted⁺ to·you⁺ from·the·aftermorrow·of the·rest
from·the·day·of your⁺·bringing·in
°the·sheaf·of the·exaltationoffering
seven rests⁺ complete⁺ they·are⁺ :
unto from·the·aftermorrow·of the·rest the·seventh
you·count⁺ fifty⁺ day
and·you·presented⁺ tribute new to·Yʜᴡʜ :
from·your⁺·seats⁺ you·bring·in⁺ bread·of exaltationoffering two² two²·of tenths⁺
flour they·are⁺
sourdough they·are·baked⁺
firstfruits⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·you·presented⁺ upon the·bread seven·of lambs⁺ complete⁺ sons⁺·of year
and·cow son·of plowcattle one and·powrrams⁺ two²
they·are⁺ upward·offering to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·their·tribute and·their·libations⁺
fire-offering·of breath·of peace to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·you·did⁺ hairgoat·of mightygoats⁺ one to·sin
and·two²·of lambs⁺ sons⁺·of year to·offering·of shaloms⁺ :
and·he·exalted the·priest °them upon the·bread·of the·firstfruits⁺ exaltationoffering to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
upon two²·of lambs⁺
sanctuary they·are⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ to·the·priest :
and·you·called⁺ in·the·bone·of the·day this called·gathering·of sanctuary he·is to·you⁺
all·of ministry·of service you·do·not·do⁺
prescription·of eternity in·all·of your⁺·seats⁺ to·your⁺·saecula⁺ :
and·when·you·crop⁺ °the·crop·of your⁺·land you·are·not·all·done the·edge·of your·field when·you·crop
and·the·gleaning·of your·crop you·do·not·glean
to·the·humiliated and·to·the·lodger you·abandon °them
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr saying
in·the·new·moon the·seventh in·one to·the·new·moon he·is to·you⁺ restfulness
memorial·of cheer called·gathering·of sanctuary :
all·of ministry·of service you·do·not·do⁺
and·you·presented⁺ fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
surely in·the·tenth to·the·new·moon the·seventh this the·day·of the·atonements⁺ he called·gathering·of sanctuary he·is to·you⁺
and·you·humiliated⁺ °your⁺·souls⁺
and·you·presented⁺ fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·all·of ministry you·do·not·do⁺
in·the·bone·of the·day this
as day·of atonements⁺ he
to·atone upon·you⁺
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
as all·of the·soul that she·is·not·humiliated
in·the·bone·of the·day this
and·she·was·cut·down from·her·people⁺ :
and·all·of the·soul that she·does all·of ministry
in·the·bone·of the·day this
and·I·caused·to·be·lost °the·soul she from·the·impresence·of her·people :
all·of ministry you·do·not·do⁺
prescription·of eternity to·your⁺·saecula⁺
in·all·of your⁺·seats⁺ :
rest·of restfulness he to·you⁺
and·you·humiliated⁺ °your⁺·souls⁺
in·nine to·the·new·moon in·the·evening
from·evening unto evening
you·rest⁺ your⁺·rest :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr saying
in·five and·ten day to·the·new·moon the·seventh this
the·feast·of the·knit·shelters⁺ seven·of days⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ :
in·the·day the·headmost called·gathering·of sanctuary
all·of ministry·of service you·do·not·do⁺ :
seven·of days⁺
you·present⁺ fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·day the·eighth called·gathering·of sanctuary he·is to·you⁺ and·you·presented⁺ fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ constrained-assembly she
all·of ministry·of service you·do·not·do⁺ :
these the·assemblies⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
that you·call⁺ °them called·gatherings⁺·of sanctuary
to·present fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ upward·offering and·tribute offering and·libations⁺ speech·of day in·his·day :
from·aloneside the·rests⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·from·aloneside your⁺·gifts⁺ and·from·aloneside all·of your⁺·vows⁺ and·from·aloneside all·of your⁺·noble·offerings⁺
that you·give⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ :
surely in·five and·ten day to·the·new·moon the·seventh when·you·gather⁺ °the·inbringing·of the·land
you·feast⁺ °the·feast·of Yʜᴡʜ seven·of days⁺
in·the·day the·headmost restfulness
and·in·the·day the·eighth restfulness :
and·you·took⁺ to·you⁺ in·the·day the·headmost fruit·of tree·of magnificence spoons⁺·of palms⁺
and·bough·of tree intercorded and·arabahtrees⁺·of river
and·you·were·glad⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ seven·of days⁺ :
and·you·feasted⁺ °him feast to·Yʜᴡʜ
seven·of days⁺ in·the·year
prescription·of eternity to·your⁺·saecula⁺
in·the·new·moon the·seventh you·feast⁺ °him :
in·the·knit·shelters⁺ you·settle⁺ seven·of days⁺
all·of the·nativedawned in·Princepowr
they·settle⁺ in·the·knit·shelters⁺ :
because·of ꜝlet·them·know⁺ your⁺·saecula⁺
as in·the·knit·shelters⁺ I·settled °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
when·I·let·go °them from·the·land·of Egypts²
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·he·speaks Moseh
°the·assemblies⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝcommand °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·they·take⁺ to·you oil·of olive perfect finely·beaten to·the·light
to·offer·up lamp always :
from·the·exterior to·the·screen·of the·witness in·tent·of assembly he·lines·up °him Aharon from·evening unto dayplow to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ always
prescription·of eternity to·your⁺·saecula⁺ :
upon the·lampstand the·pure
he·lines·up °the·lamps⁺
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ always :
and·you·took flour
and·you·baked °her
two² and·ten pierced-challahs⁺
two²·of tenths⁺
he·is the·pierced-challah one :
and·you·placed °them two² lines⁺ six the·line
upon the·table the·pure to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·you·gave upon the·line white·incense perfect
and·she·was to·the·bread to·memorial
fire-offering to·Yʜᴡʜ :
in·the·day·of the·rest in·the·day·of the·rest he·lines·him·up to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ always
from·with the·sons⁺·of Princepowr covenant·of eternity :
and·she·was to·Aharon and·to·his·sons⁺
and·they·ate⁺·him in·rising·place sacred
as sanctuary·of sanctuaries⁺ he to·him from·the·fire-offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ prescription·of eternity :
and·he·goes son·of woman Princepowrïte
and·he son·of man Egyptian
in·the·midst·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·strive·together⁺ in·the·camp
the·son·of the·Princepowrïte·of
and·the·man·of the·Princepowrïte :
and·he·punctures the·son·of the·woman the·Princepowrïte °the·name and·he·slights
and·they·bring·in⁺ °him to Moseh
and·the·name·of his·mama Shalomness the·daughter·of Speechy to·the·branch·of Vindicator :
and·they·set·him·in·peace⁺ in·the·watch
to·document to·them upon the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝlet·go °that·slights to from·the·exterior to·the·camp
and·they·propped·up⁺ all·of that·hear⁺ °their·hands² upon his·head
and·they·executed⁺ °him all·of the·assembly :
and·to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr you·speak saying
man man as he·slights his·Powers⁺ and·he·bore his·sin :
and·puncturing the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ dying he·is·put·to·death
executing they·execute⁺ in·him all·of the·assembly
as·the·lodger as·the·nativedawned
when·he·punctures name he·is·put·to·death :
and·man as he·strikes all·of soul·of adam
dying he·is·put·to·death :
and·striking·of soul·of beast he·shaloms·her
soul under soul :
and·man as he·gives smudge in·his·comrade
as·how he·did
surely he·is·done to·him :
break under break
eye under eye
tooth under tooth
as·how he·gives smudge in·the·adam
surely he·is·given in·him :
and·striking·of beast he·shaloms·her
and·striking·of adam he·is·put·to·death :
judgment·of one he·is to·you⁺
as·the·lodger as·the·nativedawned he·is
as I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·he·speaks Moseh to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·let·go⁺ °that·slights to from·the·exterior to·the·camp
and·they·execute⁺ °him stone
and·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr they·did⁺
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh
in·the·mount·of Syny saying :
ꜝspeak to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·you·said to·them
as you·enter⁺ to the·land
that I giving to·you⁺
and·she·rested the·land
rest to·Yʜᴡʜ :
six·of years⁺ you·seed your·field
and·six·of years⁺ you·prune your·orchard
and·you·gathered °her·inbringing :
and·in·the·year the·seventh rest·of restfulness he·is to·the·land
rest to·Yʜᴡʜ
your·field you·do·not·seed
and·your·orchard you·do·not·prune :
°the·rashcrop·of your·crop you·do·not·crop
and·°the·grapes⁺·of your·envowed you·do·not·harvest
year·of restfulness he·is to·the·land :
and·she·was the·rest·of the·land to·you⁺ to·edibles
to·you and·to·your·servant and·to·your·amah
and·to·your·hireling and·to·your·settler
the·lodgers⁺ near·you :
and·to·the·life that in·your·land
she·is all·of her·inbringing to·eat :
and·you·counted to·you seven rests⁺·of years⁺
seven years⁺ seven times⁺
and·they·were⁺ to·you days⁺·of seven the·rests⁺·of the·years⁺
nine and·forty⁺ year :
and·you·made·cross·by shofair·of cheer in·the·new·moon the·seventh
in·the·tenth to·the·new·moon
in·the·day·of the·atonements⁺
you·make·cross·by⁺ shofair in·all·of your⁺·land :
and·you·sanctified⁺ °the·year·of the·fifty⁺ year
and·you·called⁺ liberty in·the·land to·all·of that·settle⁺·her
recourse she she·is to·you⁺
and·you·returned⁺ man to his·freehold
and·man to his·family you·return⁺ :
recourse she the·year·of the·fifty⁺ year she·is to·you⁺
and you·do·not·crop⁺ °her·rashcrops⁺
and you·do·not·harvest⁺ °her·envoweds⁺ :
as recourse she
sanctuary she·is to·you⁺
from the·field
you·eat⁺ °her·inbringing :
in·the·year·of the·recourse this
you·return⁺ man to his·freehold :
and·as you·sell⁺ sale to·your·comrade
or stocking·up from·the·hand·of your·comrade
you·do·not·exile⁺ man °his·brother :
in·count·of years⁺ after the·recourse
you·stock·up from·with your·comrade
in·count·of years⁺·of inbringings⁺ he·sells to·you :
to·the·mouth·of the·multitude·of the·years⁺ you·multiply his·stock-purchase
and·to·the·mouth·of made·little the·years⁺
you·make·little his·stock-purchase
as count·of inbringings⁺
he selling to·you :
and you·do·not·exile⁺ man °his·comrade
and·you·feared from·your·Powers⁺
as I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·you·did⁺ °my·prescriptions⁺
and·°my·judgments⁺ you·watch⁺ and·you·did⁺ °them
and·you·settled⁺ upon the·land to·trust :
and·she·gave the·land her·fruit
and·you·ate⁺ to·satisfaction
and·you·settled⁺ to·trust upon·her :
and·as you·say⁺
¿what we·eat⁺ in·the·year the·seventh
¡lo! we·do·not·seed⁺
and we·do·not·gather⁺ °our·inbringing :
and·I·commanded °my·kneeling to·you⁺
in·the·year the·sixth
and·she·did °the·inbringing
to·the·three·of the·years⁺ :
and·you·seeded⁺ °the·year the·eighth
and·you·ate⁺ from the·inbringing sleeping
unto the·year the·ninth unto entering her·inbringing
you·eat⁺ sleeping :
and·the·land she·is·not·sold to·annihilation
as to·me the·land
as lodgers⁺ and·settlers⁺ you⁺ near·me :
and·in·all·of the·land·of your⁺·freehold
goelment you·give⁺ to·the·land :
as he·slumps your·brother
and·he·sold from·his·freehold
and·he·entered his·goel the·present to·him
and·he·goeled °the·sale·of his·brother :
and·man as he·is·not to·him goel
and·she·caught his·hand
and·he·found as·enough·of his·goelment :
and·he·considered °the·years⁺·of his·sale
and·he·returned °the·extra
to·the·man that he·sold to·him
and·he·returned to·his·freehold :
and·if she·did·not·find his·hand enough·of returning to·him
and·he·was his·sale in·the·hand·of that·stocks·up °him
unto the·year·of the·recourse
and·he·went in·the·recourse
and·he·returned to·his·freehold :
and·man as he·sells house·of seat·of city·of rampart
and·she·was his·goelment
unto completed the·year·of his·sale
days⁺ she·is his·goelment :
and·if he·is·not·goeled unto filling to·him year complete
and·he·arose the·house that in·the·city that to·him rampart to·the·annihilation to·that·stocks·up °him to·his·saecula⁺
he·does·not·go in·the·recourse :
and·the·houses⁺·of the·courtyards⁺ that there·is·ńot to·them rampart turninground
upon the·field·of the·land he·is·considered
goelment she·is to·him
and·in·the·recourse he·goes :
and·the·cities⁺·of the·Debtorïtes⁺
the·houses⁺·of the·cities⁺·of their·freehold
goelment·of eternity she·is to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ :
and·that he·goels from the·Debtorïtes⁺
and·he·went sale·of house and·the·city·of his·freehold in·the·recourse
as the·houses⁺·of the·cities⁺·of the·Debtorïtes⁺ she their·freehold
in·the·midst·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·the·field·of the·cattle·drive·of their·cities⁺ he·is·not·sold
as freehold·of eternity he to·them :
and·as he·slumps your·brother
and·she·shook his·hand near·you
and·you·grasped·firmly in·him
lodger and·settler and·he·lived near·you :
ꜝdo·not·take from·with·him biting·interest and·multiplying
and·you·feared from·your·Powers⁺
and·he·lived your·brother near·you :
you·do·not·give to·him in·biting·interest
and·in·multitude you·do·not·give your·edibles :
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
that I·let·go °you⁺ from·the·land·of Egypts²
to·give to·you⁺ °the·land·of Cashiers⁺
to·be to·you⁺ to·Powers⁺ :
and·as he·slumps your·brother near·you and·he·was·sold to·you
you·do·not·serve in·him service·of servant :
as·hireling as·settler he·is near·you
unto the·year·of the·recourse he·serves near·you :
and·he·went from·near·you
he and·his·sons⁺ near·him
and·he·returned to his·family
and·to the·freehold·of his·fathers⁺ he·returns :
as my·servants⁺ they⁺
that I·let·go °them from·the·land·of Egypts²
they·are·not·sold⁺ for·sale·of servant :
you·do·not·govern in·him in·harshness
and·you·feared from·your·Powers⁺ :
and·your·servant and·your·amah that they·are⁺ to·you
from·with the·clans⁺ that turninground⁺·you⁺
from·them you·stock·up⁺ servant and·amah :
and·also from·the·sons⁺·of the·settlers⁺ the·lodgers⁺ near·you⁺ from·them you·stock·up⁺
and·from·their·family that near·you⁺
that they·bechilded⁺ in·your⁺·land
and·they·were⁺ to·you⁺ to·freehold :
and·you·derived·for·yourselves⁺ °them to·your⁺·sons⁺ after⁺·you⁺ to·inherit freehold
to·eternity in·them you·serve⁺
and·in·your⁺·brothers⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr man in·his·brother
you·do·not·govern in·him in·harshness :
and·as she·catches hand·of lodger and·settler near·you
and·he·slumped your·brother near·him
and·he·was·sold to·lodger settler near·you
or to·sterility·of family·of lodger :
after⁺ he·was·sold
goelment she·is to·him
one from·his·brothers⁺ he·goels·him :
or his·intimate·uncle or the·son·of his·intimate·uncle he·goels·him
or from·the·meat·of his·flesh from·his·family he·goels·him
or she·caught his·hand and·he·was·goeled :
and·he·considered near that·stocks·him·up
from·the·year·of his·being·sold to·him
unto the·year·of the·recourse
and·he·was the·silver·of his·sale in·count·of years⁺
as·days⁺·of hireling he·is near·him :
if again many⁺ in·the·years⁺
to·their·mouth he·returns his·goelment
from·the·silver·of his·stock-purchase :
and·if little he·survived in·the·years⁺ unto the·year·of the·recourse and·he·considered to·him
as·the·mouth·of his·years⁺
he·returns °his·goelment :
as·hireling·of year in·year he·is near·him
he·does·not·govern·him in·harshness to·your·eyes² :
and·if he·is·not·goeled in·these
and·he·went in·the·year·of the·recourse
he and·his·sons⁺ near·him :
as to·me the·sons⁺·of Princepowr servants⁺
my·servants⁺ they⁺
that I·let·go °them from·the·land·of Egypts²
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
you·do·not·do⁺ to·you⁺ no-powers⁺ and·sculpture and·post you·do·not·raise⁺ to·you⁺
and·stone·of imagery you·do·not·give⁺ in·your⁺·land
to·prostrate·oneself upon·her
as I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
°my·rests⁺ you·watch⁺
and·my·sanctuary you·fear⁺
I Yʜᴡʜ :
if in·my·prescriptions⁺ you·walk⁺
and·°my·commandments⁺ you·watch⁺
and·you·did⁺ °them :
and·I·gave your⁺·showers⁺ in·their·season
and·she·gave the·land her·fruitcourse
and·the·tree·of the·field he·gives his·fruit :
and·he·caught to·you⁺ thresher °harvest
and·harvest he·catches °seed
and·you·ate⁺ your⁺·bread to·satisfaction
and·you·settled⁺ to·trust in·your⁺·land :
and·I·gave shalom in·the·land
and·you·bedded⁺ and·there·is·ńot cause·for·shuddering
and·I·gave·rest life bad from the·land
and·sword she·does·not·cross·over in·your⁺·land :
and·you·pursued⁺ °your⁺·enemies⁺
and·they·fell⁺ to·your⁺·face⁺ to·the·sword
and·they·pursued⁺ from·you⁺ five hundred
and·hundred from·you⁺ multitude they·pursue⁺
and·they·fell⁺ your⁺·enemies⁺ to·your⁺·face⁺ to·the·sword :
and·I·faced to·you⁺
and·I·made·fruitful °you⁺
and·I·multiplied °you⁺
and·I·raised °my·covenant with·you⁺ :
and·you·ate⁺ sleeping put·to·sleep
and·sleeping from·face⁺·of new you·let·go⁺ :
and·I·gave my·dwelling·place in·your⁺·midst
and she·does·not·neglect my·soul °you⁺ :
and·I·walked·myself in·your⁺·midst
and·I·was to·you⁺ to·Powers⁺
and·you⁺ you·are⁺ to·me to·people :
I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ that I·let·go °you⁺ from·the·land·of Egypts²
from·being to·them servants⁺
and·I·break the·shakepoles⁺·of your⁺·harness
and·I·cause·to·walk °you⁺ arisen :
and·if you·do·not·hear⁺ to·me
and you·do·not·do⁺
°all·of the·commandments⁺ these :
and·if in·my·prescriptions⁺ you·reject⁺
and·if °my·judgments⁺ she·neglects your⁺·soul
to·not doing °all·of my·commandments⁺
to·scuttle·you⁺ °my·covenant :
¡yes! I I·do this to·you⁺ and·I·gave·to·reckon upon·you⁺ agitation °the·emaciation and·°the·fever
all·done⁺ eyes² and·sobbing⁺ soul
and·you·seeded⁺ to·the·emptiness your⁺·seed
and·they·ate⁺·him your⁺·enemies⁺ :
and·I·gave my·face⁺ in·you⁺
and·you·were·smitten⁺ to·the·face⁺·of your⁺·enemies⁺
and·they·governed⁺ in·you⁺ that·hate⁺·you⁺
and·you·fled⁺ and·there·is·ńot pursuer °you⁺ :
and·if unto these
you·do·not·hear⁺ to·me
and·I·added to·instruct °you⁺
seven upon your⁺·sins⁺ :
and·I·broke °the·majesty·of your⁺·might
and·I·gave °your⁺·skies⁺ as·the·iron
and·°your⁺·land as·the·copper :
and·he·was·completed to·the·emptiness your⁺·vigor
and she·does·not·give your⁺·land °her·fruitcourse
and·the·tree·of the·land
he·does·not·give his·fruit :
and·if you·walk⁺ near·me fateful
and you·do·not·want⁺ to·hear to·me
and·I·added upon·you⁺ stroke
seven as·your⁺·sins⁺ :
and·I·sent·forth in·you⁺ °the·life·of the·field and·she·was·bereaved °you⁺
and·she·cut·down °your⁺·beast
and·she·made·little °you⁺
and·they·were·desolated⁺ your⁺·steps⁺ :
and·if in·these
you·are·not·instructed⁺ to·me
and·you·walked⁺ near·me fateful :
and·I·walked ¡yes! I near·you⁺ in·fateful
and·I·struck °you⁺ also I
seven upon your⁺·sins⁺ :
and·I·brought·in upon·you⁺ sword avenging vengeance·of covenant
and·you·were·gathered⁺ to your⁺·cities⁺
and·I·sent·out unspeakable in·your⁺·midst
and·you·were·given⁺ in·hand·of enemy :
when·I·break to·you⁺ branch·of bread
and·they·baked⁺ ten·of women⁺ your⁺·bread in·lampoven one
and·they·returned⁺ your⁺·bread in·the·shekelness
and·you·ate⁺ and you·are·not·satisfied⁺ :
and·if in·this
you·do·not·hear⁺ to·me
and·you·walked⁺ near·me in·fateful :
and·I·walked near·you⁺ in·heat·of fateful
and·I·instructed °you⁺ ¡yes! I
seven upon your⁺·sins⁺ :
and·you·ate⁺ the·flesh·of your⁺·sons⁺
and·the·flesh·of your⁺·daughters⁺ you·eat⁺ :
and·I·destroyed °your⁺·daises⁺ and·I·cut·down °your⁺·hot·sun·idols⁺
and·I·gave °your⁺·carcasses⁺
upon the·carcasses⁺·of your⁺·rolling·idols⁺
and·she·neglected my·soul °you⁺ :
and·I·gave °your⁺·cities⁺ withered·place
and·I·desolated °your⁺·sanctuaries⁺
and I·do·not·breathe
in·the·breath·of your⁺·peace :
and·I·desolated I °the·land
and·they·were·desolate⁺ upon·her your⁺·enemies⁺
that·settle⁺ in·her :
and·°you⁺ I·winnow in·the·clans⁺
and·I·emptied after⁺·you⁺ sword
and·she·was your⁺·land desolation
and·your⁺·cities⁺ they·are⁺ withered·place :
then she·favors the·land °her·rests⁺ all·of the·days⁺·of her·being·desolated
and·you⁺ in·the·land·of your⁺·enemies⁺
then she·rests the·land
and·she·favored °her·rests⁺ :
all·of the·days⁺·of her·being·desolated she·rests
°that she·did·not·rest in·your⁺·rests⁺ when·you·settle⁺ upon·her :
and·the·survivors⁺ in·you⁺
and·I·brought·in softness in·their·heart
in·the·lands⁺·of their·enemies⁺
and·he·pursued °them voice·of upper·leaf wafted·away
and·they·fled⁺ fleeing·place·of sword and·they·fell⁺ and·there·is·ńot pursuer :
and·they·stumbled⁺ man in·his·brother as·from·face⁺·of sword and·pursuer there·is·ńot
and she·is·not to·you⁺ rising
to·the·face⁺·of your⁺·enemies⁺ :
and·you·were·lost⁺ in·the·clans⁺
and·she·ate °you⁺
the·land·of your⁺·enemies⁺ :
and·the·survivors⁺ in·you⁺ they·fester⁺ in·their·guilt
in·the·lands⁺·of your⁺·enemies⁺
and·¡yes! in·the·guilts⁺·of their·fathers⁺ with·them they·fester⁺ :
and·they·raised·their·hands⁺ °their·guilt and·°the·guilt·of their·fathers⁺
in·their·disguisal that they·disguised·themselves⁺ in·me
and·¡yes! that they·walked⁺ near·me in·fateful :
¡yes! I I·walk near·them in·fateful
and·I·brought·in °them
in·the·land·of their·enemies⁺
or then he·is·cashed·out their·heart the·foreskinned
and·then they·favor⁺ °their·guilt :
and·I·remembered °my·covenant Heeler
and·¡yes! °my·covenant Laugher and·¡yes! °my·covenant Father-Hi-Hum I·remember and·the·land I·remember :
and·the·land she·is·abandoned from·them and·ꜝlet·her·favor °her·rests⁺ when·she·is·desolated from·them
and·they⁺ they·favor⁺ °their·guilt
because and·in·because
in·my·judgments⁺ they·rejected⁺
and·°my·prescriptions⁺ she·neglected their·soul :
and·¡yes! also this when·they·are⁺ in·the·land·of their·enemies⁺ I·did·not·reject·them and I·did·not·neglect·them to·be·all·done·them
to·scuttle my·covenant with·them
as I Yʜᴡʜ their·Powers⁺ :
and·I·remembered to·them covenant·of headmost⁺
that I·let·go °them from·the·land·of Egypts² to·the·eyes²·of the·clans⁺ to·be to·them to·Powers⁺ I Yʜᴡʜ :
these the·prescriptions⁺ and·the·judgments⁺ and·the·torahs⁺
that he·gave Yʜᴡʜ
between·him and·between the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
in·the·mount·of Syny in·the·hand·of Moseh :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh saying :
ꜝspeak to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·you·said to·them
man as he·does·wonderously vow
in·your·outlined·assessment souls⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·was your·outlined·assessment the·membered
from·son·of twenty⁺ year
and·unto son·of sixty⁺ year
and·he·was your·outlined·assessment fifty⁺ shekel silver in·the·shekel·of the·sanctuary :
and·if punctured she
and·he·was your·outlined·assessment thirty⁺ shekel :
and·if from·son·of five years⁺ and·unto son·of twenty⁺ year
and·he·was your·outlined·assessment the·membered twenty⁺ shekels⁺
and·to·the·punctured ten·of shekels⁺ :
and·if from·son·of new·moon and·unto son·of five years⁺
and·he·was your·outlined·assessment the·membered
five shekels⁺ silver
and·to·the·punctured your·outlined·assessment
three·of shekels⁺ silver :
and·if from·son·of sixty⁺ year and➝upward if membered
and·he·was your·outlined·assessment
five and·ten shekel
and·to·the·punctured ten shekels⁺ :
and·if he·slumped he from·your·outlined·assessment
and·he·caused·him·to·stand to·the·face⁺·of the·priest
and·he·outlined·an·assessment·of °him the·priest
upon mouth·of that she·catches the·hand·of that·vows
he·outlines·an·assessment·of·him the·priest :
and·if beast
that they·present⁺ from·her present to·Yʜᴡʜ
all that he·gives from·him to·Yʜᴡʜ he·is sanctuary :
he·does·not·change·him and he·does·not·bargain·away °him good in·bad or bad in·good
and·if bargaining·away he·bargains·away beast in·beast
and·he·was he and·his·bargain he·is sanctuary :
and·if all·of beast defiled
that they·do·not·present⁺ from·her present to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·caused·to·stand °the·beast to·the·face⁺·of the·priest :
and·he·outlined·an·assessment·of the·priest °her
between good and·between bad
as·your·outlined·assessment the·priest surely he·is :
and·if goeling he·goels·her
and·he·added his·fifth upon your·outlined·assessment :
and·man as he·makes·sacred °his·house sanctuary to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·outlined·an·assessment·of·him the·priest
between good and·between bad
as·how he·outlines·an·assessment·of °him the·priest surely he·arises :
and·if that·makes·sacred
he·goels °his·house
and·he·added the·fifth·of the·silver·of your·outlined·assessment upon·him and·he·was to·him :
and·if from·the·field·of his·freehold he·makes·sacred man to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·was your·outlined·assessment to·the·mouth·of his·seed
seed·of donkeyload·of hairbarley⁺
in·fifty⁺ shekel·of silver :
if from·the·year·of the·recourse he·makes·sacred his·field
as·your·outlined·assessment he·arises :
and·if after the·recourse he·makes·sacred his·field
and·he·considered to·him the·priest °the·silver upon the·mouth·of the·years⁺ the·remnants⁺
unto the·year·of the·recourse
and·he·was·diminished from·your·outlined·assessment :
and·if goeling he·goels °the·field
that·makes·sacred °him
and·he·added the·fifth·of the·silver·of your·outlined·assessment upon·him and·he·arose to·him :
and·if he·does·not·goel °the·field
and·if he·sold °the·field to·man after
he·is·not·goeled again :
and·he·was the·field when·he·goes in·the·recourse sanctuary to·Yʜᴡʜ as·the·field·of the·herem
to·the·priest she·is his·freehold :
and·if °the·field·of his·stock-purchase
that not from·the·field·of his·freehold
he·makes·sacred to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·considered to·him the·priest °the·levy·of your·outlined·assessment
unto the·year·of the·recourse
and·he·gave °your·outlined·assessment in·the·day he
sanctuary to·Yʜᴡʜ :
in·the·year·of the·recourse he·returns the·field
to·that he·stocked·him·up from·with·him
to·that to·him the·freehold·of the·land :
and·all·of your·outlined·assessment
he·is in·the·shekel·of the·sanctuary
twenty⁺ chaw he·is the·shekel :
surely firstborn that he·is·firstborn to·Yʜᴡʜ in·beast
he·does·not·make·sacred man °him
if bull if ovine
to·Yʜᴡʜ he :
and·if in·the·beast the·defiled and·he·ransomed in·your·outlined·assessment
and·he·added his·fifth upon·him
and·if he·is·not·goeled and·he·was·sold in·your·outlined·assessment :
surely all·of herem that he·makes·herem man to·Yʜᴡʜ from·all that to·him from·adam and·beast and·from·the·field·of his·freehold
he·is·not·sold and he·is·not·goeled
all·of herem sanctuary·of sanctuaries⁺ he to·Yʜᴡʜ :
all·of herem that he·is·made·herem from the·adam he·is·not·ransomed
dying he·is·put·to·death :
and·all·of the·tenth·part·of the·land from·the·seed·of the·land from·the·fruit·of the·tree
to·Yʜᴡʜ he
sanctuary to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·if goeling he·goels man from·his·tenth·part
his·fifth ꜝlet·him·add upon·him :
and·all·of tenth·part·of plowcattle and·sheep
all that he·crosses·over under the·stem
the·tenth he·is sanctuary to·Yʜᴡʜ :
he·does·not·plow between good to·the·bad and he·does·not·bargain·away·him
and·if bargaining·away he·bargains·away·him
and·he·was he and·his·bargain he·is sanctuary he·is·not·goeled :
these the·commandments⁺ that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
in·the·mount·of Syny :